Only Fools and (Dark) Horses

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Blood&gore · 364

Rex and Charlie are Del and Rodney, always trying to earn some money but loosing it in various ways. Charles Ross, Esq. earns money that Rex spends on his Mariner's Compass to boost his INT and pick up even more clues.

Stack money on Charles to pay for your items or later to pay for your friends items, but always remember to take the money from Dark Horse since you will be spending it either way.

All events cost 0 except Practice Makes Perfect which is too OP to not put in a deck, especially when we upgrade our Deduction and Perception.

Card choices :

Backpack : Helps us find our items or money on e-cache!

Scroll of Secrets : Helps us dig out some cards that we need. Since it is a free trigger card, usually put it into play first and later when you spend the secrets from it just play Magnifying Glass over it. It is a pretty nice little card that helps you or your team every time you trigger it.

Grisly Totem : We will be commiting a lot of skills, so why not boost them by 1 icon so we are even more likely to trigger our ability on Rex? Sure!

That is it! Pretty simple and fun deck to play, with a small change to how most Rex decks play. Maybe you are also tired of Dr. Milan Christopher and Higher Education...