Roland Banks - Core Set + Dunwich Legacy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SmileyVandal · 34

Here is my deck for Roland Banks with the inclusion of the Dunwich Legacy set. I've replaced cards that allowed us to investigate more effectively like the Magnifying Glass, Dr. Milan Christopher and Deduction with cards that instead allow us to collect clues without having to investigate, like the Art Student. Dr. William T. Maleson synergies pretty well with Roland, as he allows you to swap harsh treacheries with something hopefully less tedious, while keeping cards like Roland's .38 Special and Inquiring Mind active. This along with "If it bleeds...", although maybe a bit situational, will help you keep Roland's low sanity out of risk a little more easily, and having more meat shields will definitely help as well. Prepared for the Worst is a nice consistency card allowing you to get your hands on the Machete more easily and Shortcut is awesome to help you move around the map without losing actions that you could spend on fighting instead.

Now this is the part where I would like to ask for advice. I checked other decklists and I've seen for example people cutting the level 0 Beat Cop and Overpower for cards like the Guard Dog, a second copy of Dr. William T. Maleson or even the Laboratory Assistant. Is that reasonable ? I feel like it's very important to keep our combat stat at 6 when fighting, which is why the Beat Cop feels essential to me, along with Overpower as a good backup. Is my thought process wrong ? Note that I would actually play the Guard Dog before when only using the core set, along with two copies of the Beat Cop and one copy of Dr. Milan Christopher. I would love to hear people's thoughts on this, as I am rather new to the game and so I would definitely appreciate some pointers. Thank you in advance !


Aug 23, 2023 Zerogrim · 287

I like the deck, very skill heavy means it will be very consistent and strong out the gate, its the playstyle I like.

I'd make a few changes personally and I'll try to explain why.

I'd replace Prepared for the Worst with .45 Automatic, it better to just draw a weapon outright than a card that takes an action and a resource to maybe find a weapon.

"If it bleeds..." and Dr. William T. Maleson I'd swap for Deduction, neither works very consistently, (you might not find monsters for bleeds and you only have one ally slot for five allies) and ending the game faster by using deduction yourself or on a teammate will also make horror less dangerous.

Beyond that if you are playing this in Dunwich itself I'd probably keep it as is, if you are playing another camapign I would probably focus more on draw than clue gathering (as Roland already gets free clues) so I'd want Perception over Working a Hunch and Laboratory Assistant over Art Student, this will further speed up your draw, give you more of your powerful skill cards and lower the chance you don't get needed assets out in time.

Overall I think these changes would be pretty minor and mainly focus on just removing a few of the cards that can end up being dead in hand.

Let me know if you want more feedback.

Aug 23, 2023 SmileyVandal · 34

@Zerogrim thank you for the feedback, it's appreciated.

I understand your take on Prepared for the Worst, however I do think it is a good card, as I find it better to just check through a chunk of my deck for a weapon with a single action, over drawing through it, which depending on the cards I have in hand (how many skills i have and such), can take multiple turns and put me at the risk of having enemies spawn on me before I get a weapon. However I do agree on having a second copy of the .45 Automatic, it's just that i really needed a slot and I find the Machete more important ultimately.

For the allies I agree that it is a lot, it's definitely a deck that wants to get Charisma. I like Dr. William T. Maleson as he is a good shield with 2 health and sanity, and again works really well with Roland's .38 Special and Inquiring Mind. "If it bleeds..." on the other hand I agree with, it's definitely a very situational card, that I wouldn't mind taking out. I just want to avoid a mental trauma on the first few scenarios at all cost until I get cards like Brother Xavier and "I've had worse…", but your reasoning with Deduction makes sense yeah.

Laboratory Assistant over Art Student I can say why not, but Perception over Working a Hunch ? First off I think that's maybe a bit too much skill wise, if we also add Deduction as suggested. And the problem I have with these two skills is that, Roland has a rather mediocre Intellect stat of 3, and you get up to 5 with Perception. I guess this is fine combined with the Flashlight, but otherwise I don't think it's very safe to investigate without having at least the Magnifying Glass of Dr. Milan Christopher ? Without either of these two i think it's better to focus on fighting and then use cards that automatically gets us clues along with Roland's reaction trigger ability (makes me wish I could fit Evidence! in but I think there are more important cards now). Then again maybe my reasoning is wrong. It also makes me wonder why use the Flashlight if I'm aiming to get clues without investigating. Looking forward to discuss this further with you.

Aug 23, 2023 Zerogrim · 287

Never forget skills don't have to boost you, they can boost teammates, and Int test will happen, its the one test you can guarantee will want to happen basically every turn.

The reason I push for more skill cards is because you don't really have much economy you want your deck to be as cheap as possible, especially given your deck will probably get more expensive over time.

I think prepared for the worst makes sense to keep in if you do have 2* your current weapons because typically I'd replace prepared for the worst with just another solid durable weapon and your only option there is like, knife, and knife is cheap but it ain't durable.