Jenni Barnes (poss Bledd) Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bleddyn · 1

Jenny is a good all-rounder.

She can investigate and pick up clues if necessary, but she can also deal out a decent bit of pain. Don't let the suite of 3s fool you. She might look like a jack of all, master of none, but she can very quickly turn very nasty indeed. To start with, she's tooled up with the .41 Derringer and Knife, but she's also got Jenny's Twin .45s which is superb.

Her special ability means she basically shits money. Couple of copies of Burglary can also help (with the option to go Double or Nothing if necessary. Leo De Luca gives her superb action economy. She's got Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks which means she can spend her fortune on boosting her skills so she can effectively deal with anything. I've also put two Lanterns in to help with her investigation.

Being a rogue she has some tricks up her sleeve. Sleight of Hand means she can pay a .41 Derringer at zero cost, blaze two shots into a bad guy, and pull it back in at the end of the turn. Shes got a decent so depending on the cards she's holding she might want to Backstab rather than fight. She's got Teamwork in so if she ever absolutely minted she can share the wealth around.

Unlike Mark Harrigan or Rex Murphy shes not a specialist per se; she can turn her hand to anything, but in this build she probably leans towards fighting.

The main problem with this deck for us is that it's not particularly good at ; it's not bad, but nor is it great. So really we're all eggs on you're rite of seeking and my pair of lanterns + Arcane Studies. We'd basically be a pair of all rounders, which is fine, but it lacks a real specialist at anything.