Minh Thi Phan - The Oracle (19xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

K_oroviev · 132


This is a deck meant for the role of main clue-gatherer in a multiplayer standalone scenario on standard difficulty. It relies on teammates to reveal locations, which are then investigated remotely using Pocket Telescope, In the Know, and Deciphered Reality. Minh's Analytical Mind ensures continued support for teammates while maintaining a defensive position behind Barricade or a Snare Trap.

How to play

Gather clues

The idea of the deck is to gather clues remotely using Pocket Telescope, In the Know, and Deciphered Reality. Why? Well, in first place I think it is fun and thematic. In second place, you will save up move actions wich, in theory, allows you to do more in the same amount of turns. This is not completely accurate, as this deck requires much more setup than other seekers. However, the deck works, plays into Minh's strengths, and the playstyle and cards are interesting.

Your most important item is the Pocket Telescope. If you find a well-connected location, you can gather numerous clues from all surrounding locations with it, since it does not have limited uses. However, In the Know also possesses its advantages, offering the ability to investigate any revealed location without occupying a hand slot. Moreover, it can be reloaded with Truth from Fiction. Throughout the scenario, you'll find utility in both items.

Of course, for all these cards to work, you'll need your friends help to reveal locations as fast as possible. Communicate this necessity clearly, and don't be afraid to be left behind. In contrast with other feeble seekers, Minh has some tricks up her sleeve to survive.

Stay alive

With Minh's high willpower and her ability to spike agility tests, the biggest threat for us are enemies. With this build, you'll be frequently far away from the fighters in your team. Thus, we pack ways to prevent enemies from reaching us:

Saddly, none of these cards work on Elite enemies; if you see one of those just run towards your team's fighter. Fast.

A noteworthy aspect of Hiding Spot is its flexibility: it can be placed in your location akin to a Barricade. If you draw an enemy during mythos fase, it will not engage you, giving you ample time to relocate. Additionally, since it can be deployed in any location, it allows to manouver through swarmed locations. This versatility is great, as reliance solely on Barricade may lead to entrapment by surrounding enemies over time.

This deck is all about your position in the map. Don't rush to deploy your defenses. It is worth waiting a round or two before you lock yourself up. Meanwhile, you can gather some clues from the locations you pass through.

Find what you need

Eureka!, Perception level 2, Grisly Totem and Analytical Mind offer sufficient card draw potential to cycle through your deck once or twice during the scenario.

Support your friends

While playing with some previous versions the deck, I often ran into a situation in which I was all setup with my [Analytical Mind](/card/03010) and [Grisly Totem](/card/05194), but nothing more than icons in my hand. To effectively support the other players during key tests, I decided to include a suite of events featuring a diverse array of icons to address this shortfall. These events not only bolster your support capabilities but also serve as potential aids during challenging situations:

Note that Grisly Totem allows the performing investigator to draw a card upon success, benefiting allies by replenishing their hands after successful tests.

The King in Yellow

Minh's signature weakness, The King in Yellow is absolutely brutal. Not only will it make you drop one of your hand items, but it basically shuts down our deck. While playing this deck, you must always be thoughtfull of it, and play around the fact that you will eventually draw it. With Grisly Totem plus Minh's ability, you are likely to have enough icons to drop the cursed book with an investigation action. Since you really don't want to fail this test, it might be usefull to save a Perception or Inquiring Mind for their triple icons.

The most explosive turn I've had while playing this deck consisted in using Deciphered Reality, commiting a bucn of cards, and then droping The King in Yellow while picking up 8 clues. You should try that!

Other cards

While not included in this iteration of the deck, the following cards align with its core concept and are worthy of consideration:



Jun 03, 2024 Marymatician · 95

This is a really novel concept! I was thinking about a Minh deck with a similar playstyle to this, and it's awesome to see that you've achieved it.

Jun 03, 2024 K_oroviev · 132

@Marymatician give it a try! It is super fun and reasonably effective. You get to use some niche cards and explore a different way of playing a seeker. Of course, I think it can still be improved. I’d love to hear your ideas about the build/archetype.