"- Calvin, right?"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fenrirgarm · 11

This deck is a support build of this investigator. The overall idea is that he goes side by side with an investigator who can pick up clues for the party, preferably a (2 players party) or a and another investigator who takes care of the monsters (3-4 players party).

Calvin will work like a hinge to the party, allowing the other investigators to build themselves. He´s the guy who can take the punch for the team, show the other cheek until he rages and returns the blows.

At the start of the first half of the campaign, he´ll have to spend many cards of his hand to pass the tests, but later on he can switch cards like Last Chance and Rise to the Occasion for Aquinnah, Stand Together, or Will to Survive.

Flare and Devil's Luck, will help you soak the damage when you find yourself very beaten up.

Statement: I usually play with 3 or 4 players, so I still havent test it with two players and I can guess that will be a real challenge. If you guys test it, let me know what you think of it!


Aug 16, 2018 Fenrirgarm · 11

After playing this deck for the first two scenarios from The Path to Carcosa campaign I recommend a few cards to buy with the experience points earned so far: Ward of Protection multiplies the utility of the effect at a relatively low cost. A Test of Will will also protect you companions. Flare is a very cheap burst of damage that can save the day used in the right moment (this one is the weakest choice imo). Stand Together is the kind of card that works with every party, a little expensive to add both copies, but they sure worh every point you invest in them.