Working a Hunch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mckayba · 2

Solo Carcosa attempt. I expect Venturer will be a controversial choice, but I really feel like the Colt 1911 is such a strong asset that I want him there to keep them around. I've also got No Stone Unturned in the Hunch Deck and Prepared for the Worst to try and tutor them up if I can't mulligan hard enough.

Speaking of the Hunch Deck - I know I've got a couple extra there. My thought is to hold Logical Reasoning in the actual deck every round so that I can keep it open for when it's needed - especially in case of nasty treacheries. On the Hunt is there for treachery mitigation also, but I'm hoping to get some better solutions with experience.

I was tempted by Backpack for more 1911s tutoring and eventually I don't think I'll need so many weapons in the deck, but I really want them for early-game consistency.