Look at these Icons

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lexatu · 2

Hey guys here's my funky fresh take on a Patrice deck. I'm gonna test the concept and if it seems good hopefully I can update it and report back!

The main idea is that Patrice can't really plan effective uses for her events. So the main direction of this deck is to have tons of cards with multiple skill icons and situational effects. Her assets are generally cheap so she can play them as she draws them.

A big thing missing for this deck is a few simple upgrades. Cornered, Eucatastrophe, Scrapper, and Miss Doyle should make her nearly unstoppable.


Patrice's Violin, Ritual Candles, The Chthonian Stone.

In solo the violin is kinda mediocre. it lets you search for a card you want real real bad or gain a resource every turn, but your deck isn't too resources heavy. I'd say the candles are pretty good as getting her over the harder skill tests really helps, candles probably fall off once you get into harder difficulty levels. Chthonian stone is good, possibly the least good of her hand assets, useful that it removes itself, and a good target for Act of desperation.

Sixth Sense, Wither.

We're leaning less into the spells side here. Our gameplan is to have the ability to pass ANY skill test, so investing lots of resources into cards like Rite of seeking/Shriveling isn't really necessary, and we don't feel like dealing with their drawbacks. We keep these spells around in case our hand sucks, we can reliably start at 4 for most tests.

Grisly Totem boosts out icons in a deck made to boost icons. Stray Cat turns our weakness into "lose an action, a resource, and discard a". Because our deck is cheap Arcane Studies is pretty effective. When we buy Scrapper we can spend 1 resource to boost any skill. Neat!


Delve Too Deep, Open Gate, Quantum Flux.

These are largely meant to be played and not used for icons. Delve too deep helps you get those upgrades we talked about. Gate just leaves a nice trail for yourself. Quantum flux turns off your weakness and prevents you from taking recurring horror damage.

"Look what I found!", Act of Desperation, Drawn to the Flame, Storm of Spirits, Trial by Fire.

These are really powerful in the right time and Patrice can make good use of each of them! You'll probably discard them most of the time. I'm particularly fond of the idea of patrice using act of desperation with the chthonian stone(at 5 to boot).

Premonition is weird with patrice. It gets good once you have scrapper+arcane studies, as you can pass tests you have no business passing by simply paying however many resources and discarding the right number of cards.

Deny Existence, Oops!, Uncage the Soul, Waylay.

These you will almost never get to actually use for their effects, but they provide useful skill icons.

Thanks for reading me ramble about this idea! Let me know if you have any tips/ideas.


Dec 07, 2019 acotgreave · 834

I like this deck! I was building a Patrice deck and found I'd ended up with loads of events. I wondered if others had decks like it. At time of writing, this is the Patrice deck with the most Event cards (26). The average is 16 events. Love it!