Patrice Failing Forward

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nyarlgarthotep · 1

I've ran this deck just once so far but she definitely feels like a crazy good character. The idea of this deck is to selectively fail skill tests to gain resources to fund into skill tests that you actually want to pass. Ideally bringing out Track Shoes and Drawing Thin as soon as possible so, on moving to a location, you can fail a difficulty 5 foot test for 2 resources and 0 actions. Olive McBride is there to protect against terrible tokens, depending on the scenario, and also increase your chance of using your super star ability to shuffle your discard in to your desk. Take Heart can further increase your resource generation on a failed test. Sixth Sense is there to make you a better regular clue gatherer but Winging It can quickly find its way to your discard for a 2 clue action. Many of the other cards of the deck, even Rabbit's Foot are more there for their wild icons and play in most skill checks you want to perform. Since I was playing this with Mark Harrigan as the other investigator this deck is pretty light on combat but I'd recommend swapping Wither for something a bit more meaty if you are planning on being much of a damage dealer.

My upgrade plan, as yet untested, is to focus on Eucatastrophe for 2 wild icons and, if desired, failing to upgrade to a superstar for deck shuffling, possibly replacing Fearless.