Wushu Nathaniel Cho

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bodyguard Extraordinaire! 3 2 0 1.0
Alonso GUARDIAN Nathaniel Cho 0 0 0 1.0
Nathaniel Cho (Guardian) - The Circle Undone Campaign - LeoN 0 0 0 1.0
Nathaniel Cho (Guardian) - The Circle Undone Campaign 0 0 0 2.0
Wushu Nathaniel Cho new 1 0 0 1.0
Nathaniel Cho - The Prophetic Dreamer 6 6 0 1.0
Wushu Nathaniel Cho 0 0 0 1.0

Calprinicus · 5689


This deck builds around having both Boxing Gloves and The Hungering Blade at the same time with the help of Bandolier

Boxing Gloves

Boxing Gloves not only increases the fight of The Hungering Blade as well as the 10 fight events, but defeating a foe with The Hungering Blade still triggers the of Boxing Gloves.

There are 21 spirit events, so are you essentially guaranteed a draw a card after defeating a foe.

The Hungering Blade

The Hungering Blade gives Nathaniel a +1 damage, which is crucial for reliably killing monsters (especially late game).

The idea is to use Nathaniel's ability to 'soften up' the enemy, then get the killing blow with The Hungering Blade.


Randall Cho and Prepared for the Worst help you assemble the pieces. Backpack and Tetsuo Mori can be used, but take away precise event slots.


Versatile picks up Crystallizer of Dreams to do double duty for each event. This card is invaluable when online. almost 80% of this deck can be put under the crystal skull.

The Guardian of the Crystallizer also feed the blade.

Using draw effects helps cycle through cards. While this deck uses Glory and Second Wind any card that adds a draw negates the "penalty" Versatile. A few other options:


I focus on healing health with Randall Cho and Second Wind then using Smoking Pipe to distribute that healing to Horror.

Dodge, "I've had worse…", and Counterpunch also reduce incoming damage and horror.

Fun Combos


Aug 30, 2020 The_Wall · 286

I love the use of Versatile to pack Crystallizer of Dreams! I have personally used it in Jim Culver and it made him not suck any more, so I can only imagine the potential with an investigator like Cho who is actually designed to use events. In fact it seems so good that I would be using Tetsuo Mori and possibly even Backpack or Backpack (2) to dig for it.

I am really not sold on the Boxing Gloves (2), however. It seems like you can have the same end result using 2x Reliable without having to mess around with Bandolier, and that in turn opens up your options for the brutally efficient Survival Knife (2).

Aug 30, 2020 Lethal_Laitue · 338

This deck builds around having both Boxing Gloves and The Hungering Blade with Bandolier

The boxing gloves increase the fight of The Hungering Blade and a foe defeated from The Hungering Blade still triggers the of Boxing Gloves.

How can you equip both?

Aug 30, 2020 Lethal_Laitue · 338

Ok sorry. Just checked the Bandolier. My bad.

Aug 30, 2020 Calprinicus · 5689

I am really not sold on the Boxing Gloves (2), however. It seems like you can have the same end result using 2x Reliable without having to mess around with Bandolier, and that in turn opens up your options for the brutally efficient Survival Knife (2).

(1) Boxing Gloves powers ALL Fight actions. This includes Fight actions on event cards, which cannot recieve bonuses from weapons like Survival Knife.

(2) Finding 1 Boxing Gloves is easier and cheaper than finding 1 weapon followed by 2x Reliable.

(3) My experience with Survival Knife is that it is in fact an incredibly efficient killing machine and I could see me running this in the future builds over The Hungering Blade. However, The Hungering Blade deals the constant +1 damage (which is crucial!) for non-event Fight actions, and obliterates bosses when powered. That paired with Nathaniel Cho's 5 and the +2 from Boxing Gloves makes him incredibly and reliably lethal.

Sep 02, 2020 MrGoldbee · 1433

I am really not sold on the Boxing Gloves (2), however. It seems like you can have the same end result using 2x Reliable without having to mess around with Bandolier, and that in turn opens up your options for the brutally efficient Survival Knife (2).

Sep 04, 2020 Django · 5032

Nice combo with search effects (Randall Cho and Prepared for the Worst) and the gloves to make the deck pretty fast. Seems like a pretty high damage output, once all assets are in play.

Boxing Gloves are very intersting cause their wording is like Magnifying Glass or Trench Coat to give a bonus when using on other cards. All other weapons only give a bonus with their own attack.

Sep 11, 2020 madcircus · 122

I've been thinking about adding a Survival Knife (2) and a Backpack (2), probably upping to Bandolier (2) (its usefulness would need to be tested). I dislike the pipe but it's a good lv0 card, maybe would get something else to heal horror like First Aid or Moment of Respite later on, even Thermos if things get rough with traumas.

Sep 11, 2020 Django · 5032

I've made good experiences with Smoking Pipe, you're often lacking actions to use other assets like First Aid besides playing it.

But it also depends on your team, for example Logical Reasoning is a good alternate.

If you have Safeguard 0 you'll probably have more actions for healing left, Hallowed Mirror is also a great way to heal yourself and other players.

Oct 22, 2020 Flazzy · 5

Could you please make a level 0 deck? Just as a starting point. Thanks!

Nov 16, 2020 Conalias · 1

The basic idea is interesting, so I've tried this on a NotZ campaign ( I was lucky enough to get the treachery giving you 2xp so could slot in the blade for the very first scenario). Obviously you'd like Gloves-->Bandolier-->Sword. Even with PftW and the brother ( + I included Tetsuo for more reliability), I was unable to get the combo at all, or early enough in each scenario to be worth the slots/effort/resources.

Jul 19, 2021 Rancord · 1679

Think versatile kinda lowers your chances to find your combo, and pips are not so good on your cards

May 19, 2022 leniek · 1

Could you please make a level 0 deck?