Ursula Downs Investigates

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Adrimetum · 2

Been playing for some time now.

This is the first deck I've truely made myself though.

Looking forward to go with her through:

Return to the Night of the Zealot Forgotten Age

Feedback much appreciated.


Oct 08, 2020 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

In my experience, Ursula likes to go, go, go. Anything that will speed her up is good, and letting her get that sweet free Investigate is key (especially once her weakness comes out). I might swap out the Magnifying Glass for Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, if you have it. It's one more cost, but will boost both and , and the latter for tests other than Investigate. Pathfinder is a good upgrade, and Fieldwork is often helpful (although less so if you have to double back).

I wonder about Unearth the Ancients; In the Know is the only card really worth playing it on. Ursula has to watch resources and card draw; maybe swap the Art Student for Dr. Milan Christopher, and you would have a) resource generation, b) another target for Unearthing, and c) Ursula doesn't really need as many testless slues as you have in this deck. You might consider swapping Emergency Cache for Crack the Case; solo Ursula is going to be clearing locations like blazes, so it's not to hard to get at least 3 resources, and it saves you an action. There are also some cards in the Harvey starter deck to consider for resources. For card draw, Feed the Mind (level 0 if you have the Harvey starter) or Eureka!, maybe lose Vantage Point or Working a Hunch for that?

Lastly, your main source of enemy management is going to be Evasion -- 4 is good, but making sure you have some or in hand is a good idea. I am a huge fan of Dream Diary, especially the Madman upgrade for enemy management, but now I'm getting to the point where I might as well say "just play my Ursula deck," and that's no fun for you. I hope some of these thoughts are useful; I love playing Ursula, and I think you've hit on something with In the Know, so good luck and swift feet!