One Time A Location, No Chance to Fail!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alex-Ice-9 · 64

> Have you ever wondered why Joe can bring level 0-2 cards exactly?

I do wonder that, so I went to check if there is some good stuff--I mean, other than guns, you don't really think Joe is a muscle, right?--in level 1/2 cards. And I found it!

Well Prepared and Well-Maintained!

Like the reviews I put under Well Prepared, exhaust one Well Prepared and choose The Necronomicon, you`ll get +5 for your investigate action, and it does not even cost anything.

And what`s more?

Just look at these three cards: Well-Maintained, Pnakotic Manuscripts and Archaic Glyphs.

> Let`s imagine.

  1. The first action: spend 1 secret on Pnakotic Manuscripts, choose yourself;

  2. The last action: spend 1 charge on Archaic Glyphs, investigate, and exhaust TWO Well Prepared, both choose The Necronomicon, of course you can also commit Deduction(or Deduction), Perception(or Perception), then you`ll get about 20 against the PURE shroud value of that location! Just like I said:

One time a location, no chance to fail!

And you also get one move left to do something else.

Actually, you don`t even need to use The Necronomicon when you got Well Prepared and Pnakotic Manuscripts in your slot.

> Talking about the slot.

Since The Necronomicon and Pnakotic Manuscripts are both Tome, while Archaic Glyphs uses the Arcane slot, with Joe`s Detective's Colt 1911s, looks like he get no more hand to hold all of them.

(Oh, I like the gun, so I don`t want to make no use of it!)

That`s why we need to take Arcane Enlightenment, and only ONE of it. Since Joe cannot take cards, so gets no way to have an additional arcane slot for now(as far as I knew).

Then how to solve the only-left-one-hand-slot-to-hold-one-tome-while-no-one-for-another problem?

There are two ways:

  1. Charisma or Miskatonic Archaeology Funding with Abigail Foreman (since I think there will be no seeker who don`t take Dr. Milan Christopher) which will take at least 7 EXP to make these decks total EXP needs to at least 22. Well, the most awesome part of her, is not the additional hand slot for Tome, but the ability! It means after you clean up one location, you can use Pathfinder or Shortcut(or Shortcut) go to another location then take an investigate action by making an test against the PURE shroud value of the new location, AGAIN!

  2. Or just choose Library Docent with 3 EXP less instead. Remember I said the FIRST and LAST action above? Play her is your SECOND action, and your The Necronomicon only cost 1 resource now. Oh, if you choose this way, please do it after you spend the LAST secret on Pnakotic Manuscripts, since 5 is really EXPENSIVE!!!