Ursula Downs (Untamed Wilds)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

piper42 · 2

Ursula Downs deck for exploring the Forgotten Age with Leo Anderson. Right now it seems a bit expensive which would favor Dr. Milan Christopher, but I'd rather go for the relic theme and run Dr. Elli Horowitz. Open to suggestions on what cards to drop in order to include 2x Emergency Cache.

The plan is to evade rather than attempting some bookish enemy management like "I've got a plan!" or Persuasion, but I did include the lower cost Anatomical Diagrams. With half its utility wasted on Ursula's naturally high agility Mind over Matter wasn't included. I'm relying on Shrewd Analysis to cheaply upgrade Archaic Glyphs, Strange Solution and eventually Ancient Stone so I won't be guaranteed specific abilities and may need to pick up Ornate Bow to have a fighting chance to deal damage.

Relying on the Magnifying Glass, Fieldwork, Deduction & Vantage Point with welltimed Shortcut and Ursula's native ability to hoover clues off the map.