Testless-cluever Murder-hobo (EotE Complete)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DrMChristopher · 412

== This is the deck with which I finished Edge of the Earth ==

Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity) was a bad weakness draw. At first I thought it wasn't so bad, but in this build I DON'T want to be investigating.

Gravedigger's Shovel, Grete Wagner, Evidence! and Scene of the Crime works really well to get most of my clues testlessly (I only had to grab a few "the hard way").

I took two mental trauma with In the Thick of It so that Meat Cleaver was "online" from the start (yeah, I took it for the trauma not the XP), and purchased Police Badge (which I would have upgraded to anyway) and Cherished Keepsake (1) (which never gets exiled because you can over-play the slot with the badge before it's defeated).

Badge was great, even when I only used it once or twice (the max I used it in one scenario was four times, which is almost three extra turns).

I upgraded to Gravedigger's Shovel (2) for the cost reduction, not the "2-clue" ability, although I did use that ability once in the campaign.

Backpack (2) does a lot of work finding your items and thinning your deck because it's reusable in a Yorick deck.

NOTE: Mulligan hard for a Meat Cleaver, but keep a Backpack if you have it.

Leather Coat is sent to discard with Backpack so that it's never defeated (and conversely you can play Leather Coat to discard Backpack and everything attached to it).

Schoffner's Catalogue was great! It allowed me to save my "real money" for Grete Wagner and the events.

You want to be killing stuff, so On the Hunt, Overpower (2), and Vicious Blow (2) did a lot of work in this deck.

== Thoughts ==

Eucatastrophe would probably be really good in this deck because Yorick's ability is great for getting your events and skills back.

Maybe replace both Guts with Unrelenting? It's more versatile despite one fewer icon, and it draws me two cards regardless of success.

I'm trying to decide if I want to run a different gator through Edge of the Earth, or roll William into Innsmouth...


Dec 19, 2021 Badgerblake · 113

Love this deck. I have made a few similar with William. One of my favourite investigators.i definitely would wNt Eucatasrophe.

Dec 19, 2021 DrMChristopher · 412

@Badgerblake Thanks! I didn't even think about Eucatastrophe until the campaign was over. In hindsight it would have helped quite a bit!

Dec 20, 2021 TheNivMizzet · 1

I've taken the deck and made a few changes. Strange to see such a low XP value especially with Yorick's signature. Did you find Short Supply unnecessary or wasn't it a consideration?

Dec 20, 2021 DrMChristopher · 412

@TheNivMizzet Short Supply was in the earliest versions of this deck while I was play testing, but I ended up cutting it because I hated discarding events and skills at the start of my first turn, then waiting for a or a re-shuffle to get them back. I ended up going with a Backpack / Leather Coat combo to fill my discard so I could thin the deck down to events and skills (and Grete). Sure I could have just loaded up on assets, but I really wanted the On the Hunt, Evidence!, & Scene of the Crime events, and Overpower & Vicious Blow skills.

After getting a few key assets out (Grete, Meat Cleaver, Shovel) the deck was mostly on auto-pilot as long as I could keep killing enemies.

I did have more XP but I thought I didn't need it (but as mentioned in another comment above Eucatastrophe would have been a good addition).

It got me through Edge of the Earth, but if I build Yorick again I'll go another route (probably blessed).

Jan 08, 2023 LunarLukk · 1

Shame you haven't included starter deck too.