Amina Zidane - True Sinner

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Luke Robinson - True Sinner 4 2 0 2.0

William · 477

Core Idea:

Flexing/toolbox Amina Zidane that exploits Sin-Eater + True Magick + Blood Pact to enhance her and while adding charges to True Magick.

Setting up

Find your True Magick using Backpacks, Scrolls of Prophecies and Eldritch Initiation, then play it ASAP.

Search your other spell assets (Clairvoyance, Scrying, Shrivelling, Blood Pact) with Arcane Initiate, then hold them all in your hand.

As usual per Amina Zidane, this list runs no economy cards: events cost very little and doom pays for assets. Try to take advantage of her every turn, especially to play 3+ costed assets (True Magick, Scroll of Prophecies, Sign Magick).


Each turn you may activate your spells from your hand with True Magick, spending charges when needed. Need to investigate? cast Clairvoyance. Need damage? Shrivel your enemies into the encounter discard pile or victory display. Worried about future turns? Scry away!

You can really personalize this list depending on your playstyle or the campaign you are playing (i.e. taking an evasion spell over Scrying if you are adventuring in the jungle, etc.).

If the spell you are emulating requires a test, you can reveal Blood Pact to gain +2 . This will place a doom on True Magick, only for Sin-Eater to chomp it and reload the Magick for you to fire again.

P.s. You can use this trick on any or test, to test at 5 add one charge to True Magick. You should be able to perform this trick even outside tests, as it changes the game state therefore being a legal move. This nets you a charge on your main asset for later rounds, should you need to cast a spell that needs charges as a cost multiple times in the same turn.

Clear Sin-Eater when needed.

Arcane Void

As you may have noticed, this list presents a "empty arcane slot" sub-theme with cards like (Sign Magick, Binder's Jar, Eldritch Initiation, Explosive Ward.

The only card that takes up an arcane slot is indeed True Magick, as you will hold every other spell asset in your hand, so I figured out we could take advantage of that too.

In particular, this list has a couple of payoffs for its sub-theme:

Eldritch Initiation helps finding our tools. Discarding one card (if you already played True Magick) isn't a big deal when you are drawing up to 5.

Explosive Wards function as a sink for money saved with Amina Zidane's ability. When all set up this is up to 5 testless damage for 5, so a pretty good deal.

Astral Mirror seemed like a good inclusion too for the extra action that can help setting up.

Rest of the list is hand and health protection (Deny Existence, Ward of Protection) and mystic staples.