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Dark Horse Duke (Solo) - Updated | 174 | 140 | 23 | 6.0 |
jamjams32 · 6083
I published my Dark Horse Duke deck last May that got a lot of buzz and I played to great success. Here is the original list: This deck has been my baby and I’m constantly trying to refine this deck and make it even more powerful and more consistent than it already has been.
Well this is my current iteration of the deck and I have to say that so far through the dunwich campaign and almost done with the Carcosa Campaign, it has been an absolute powerhouse and is completing most scenarios with ease.
A lot of my original comments from my first posted deck still apply to this deck. The synergy between Lucky and Dark Horse is amazing. Fire Axe is a superb weapon when needed. The goal of my original deck was very few events and a very low cost deck trying to turn on Dark Horse as quickly as possible for the entire game. This proved to be effective and a ton of fun.
This new spin on the deck still utilizes a lot of these same concepts but has certainly been improved with the addition of some newer cards. A core identity of this deck is trying to incorporate further passive stat boosts on top of the amazing boosts from Dark Horse. Things like Magnifying Glass do this perfectly and is used here. But a brand new card that has fit seamlessly into this deck and has added to the power and consistently of this deck has been St. Hubert’s Key. Adding passive boosts of willpower and intellect is amazing. And the downside of the card having to decrease your sanity by 2 opens up a totally new archetype - that of using the Desperate skills. As soon as you play Hubert’s key, all of those skills are immediately turned on and make it so you rarely fail an important test. I’ll often save these skills for those big tests that I need to pass.
Another great card in this deck is Calling in Favors. This card is an amazing card in so many decks and my deck is no exception. Being able to use it as a way to put damage on allies and then bring them back to hand to heal that damage and play another ally for cheap or free is amazing. And remember you can use this on Duke. Duke can soak up a bunch of damage and being able to bring him back to hand and heal him and then play him again right away has proved to be invaluable. There is so much survivability in this deck from Calling in Favors, Leather Coat, Pete Sylvester, and Scavenging to help reuse these cards. The last few months I’ve had Cherished Keepsake in this deck and actually pulled out Peter Sylvestre in favor of other allies. But with Hubert’s Key playing such a key role in this deck and taking up the accessory slot, I found it wise to pull Cherished Keepsake and slot Peter Sylvestre back in. I mean you can’t go wrong with Sylvestre - the best ally in the game (especially his upgraded version).
In my original deck i was really proud of discovering and using Forbidden Knowledge as a great way to make a dollar on the fly to play a Lucky or boost a Fire Axe attack or whatever. Well as soon as Madame Labranch came out, I knew she’d fill this role absolutely perfectly. She allowed me to pull my Forbidden Knowledges’ from my deck in favor or better out of faction cards. Her ability to generate a resource as a free ability when you have no resources fits into everything I’m trying to do in this deck. She has made a huge difference in this deck and allows so much flexibility to be able to play Lucky or Calling in Favors or boost up a Fire Axe attack.
In my original build (and all it’s variations),the goal was always very few events and running a very low cost curve deck and to benefit as quickly as possible from the amazing card that is Dark Horse. This new iteration of the deck still focuses on that concept but is slightly more expensive with the addition of St. Hubert’s Key. For this reason i have included a couple copies of Emergency Cache which is an obvious include in most decks but i typically never ran in my Dark Horse Duke builds as the cost curve was already so low. Also Madame Labranch can help to generate a fair few resources. This deck does take just a tad more set up time than my previous deck but the beauty with Pete and Duke is they can be a very effective investigator right out of the gate and can find clues and kill monsters very well without much setup. But my goodness once you’re set up with things like Dark Horse, Hubert’s Key, Madame Labranch/Pete Sylvestre, etc., it’s an unbelievably powerful and consistent deck that rarely fails a skill test. I’ll continue testing and tweaking this deck but so far, this has been the most fun and most effective solo deck I’ve ever played. Comments or questions or ideas are always welcome!
As a side note, I’m still unsure whether to go full board with the Desperate skills or just use the regular skills so as to also benefit from the card draw. The desperate skills have come in handy many times but there are also times, especially when I’m set up where my base stats are so incredibly high that an extra boost of 4 icons is sometimes overkill. I’m using St Hubert’s Key mainly for the passive skill boosts but was excited about the prospect of turning on all those desperate skills right away. What do you think?
Mar 05, 2018 |
Mar 05, 2018I was wrong, calling in favors to heal allys is way better! |
Mar 05, 2018
Mar 06, 2018
What are your options for upgrading the deck with the earned experience? I guess Peter Sylvestre is the first thing that comes to mind. Lucky!? Flare? Stroke of Luck? Any other options you'd consider? Thanks for sharing your deck. |
Mar 06, 2018
Mar 07, 2018
Mar 07, 2018
Mar 08, 2018why do you have 2 dark horses it says on the card you can only have 1 per investigator |
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 09, 2018It's really counterintuitive, but you're not allowed to play lucky like you think you are. You can't have 0 resources, fail a test, activate Labranche, and then play lucky. There's no player action window in there to activate the Labranche. |
Mar 09, 2018
Mar 16, 2018Just building an "Ashcan" Pete deck so very interesting. Just checking once you activate Madame Labranche you have a resource so dark horse no longer gives stat bonuses... luck effectively becomes a net +1 skill check taking that into account? Seems like a lot of cards / actions for a situational net +1... or have I missed something? |
Mar 16, 2018Ah... maybe just answered my own question! You test without dark horse (because you have a resource) but if you fail then play luck and as you no longer have resource dark horse also kicks in? That makes more sense I think and effectively makes playing luck a net + 3 which sounds awesome... |
Mar 16, 2018
Mar 16, 2018
Mar 17, 2018For upgrades, do you usually get 2 Charisma before moving on to upgrading Pete and Lucky? Or just 1 Charisma? |
Mar 18, 2018
Mar 24, 2018Just a really great deck, congrats. Thoughts on Inspiring Presence? Tough to find an off class swap, Hubert is obviously crucial, but maybe instead of Vicious Blow? Replicates ability but gives the damage and horror heal on an ally. Also maybe because there isn’t a ton of draw, throwing cards for the ability might be more limited. Also wonder if Perception might replace Desperate Search. Love the Hubert/desperate card synergy and reckless and say your prayers are keepers, but base investigate with duke looks good even with minimal setup and the draw off perception might be helpful. Just thinking out loud though, super deck. |
Mar 24, 2018
I do love the Desperate skills. However I think i do agree with you that Perception can and probably should replace Desperate Search as I often am already pretty high in my investigate stat. That extra card draw would be huge. Thanks for the recommendation! |
Mar 24, 2018Yeah, solid reasoning and i think you’re right, no small number of 4 health enemies and better to take one test rather than ready and take two. |
Mar 24, 2018I'm not a fan of leather coat, what would you suggest swapping it with? |
Mar 24, 2018
Mar 29, 2018
Mar 29, 2018Lantern won't stack with Duke may be one reason. Scavengingis probably there to mainly get St. Hubert's Key back if it gets discarded. 1x Magnifying Glass may just be compromise to keep the other cards but you could go with 2x Magnifying Glass and no Scavenging. i'm sure it was a tough choice so will be interesting to see what |
Mar 29, 2018
Scavenging is probably not a lynch pin of the deck but is a nice card if I see it. I’ve had games where i didn’t see it and the deck still performs just fine. But when I’ve got it, the primary use of it is to keep recycling my Leather Coats which adds to the survivability of the deck. Being able to recycle a cheap asset to help soak up damage is awesome. But yes if i do need to fetch St Hubert’s Key or eventually Key of Ys, yes Scavenging can be useful. Another reason I like this deck is because it is so resilient to damage with cards like Leather Coat, Scavenging, Calling in Favors, and of course Pete Sylvestre. I hope these comments help. Have fun with the deck! |
Mar 29, 2018
Mar 29, 2018
Pete Sylvestre Charisma Lucky But with Key of Ys now in the card pool I may even consider trying to upgrade into that first. It’s such a clutch card and so so good especially in this deck. So in some combination my first three upgrades would be Key of Ys, Pete, and Charisma. Lucky would be my fourth upgrade. After that, I think upgraded Aquinnah is a solid include as is Stroke of Luck to just continue to pass tests without issue. Upgraded Emergency Cache is also good for the card draw. As far as what cards to replace, it’s really up to you. I think I’d pull maybe one copy of Calling in Favors and/or Desperate Search/Perception as your book stay is already pretty boosted. Let me know what you would replace or what upgrades you’d do first |
Mar 30, 2018
Mar 30, 2018
When I will add 2 Aquinnah I think I can remove from my deck 1 Calling in Favors and I don't know which other card remove... Maybe 1 Madame Labranche? What about the Stroke of Luck? With which cards would you replace it? |
May 11, 2018Question on upgrades...all the base cards are good...what do you drop for say adding Charisma? |
May 12, 2018
May 13, 2018It is a really cool deck! Why do you consider it as a “solo” deck? Does it pose problems in multiplayer? |
May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018What do you recommend to mulligang for? I guess from the description that you have to hard mulligan for Dark Horse. Then? The keys? Peter? Thanks |
May 14, 2018
BUT....absolutely I’m looking for Dark Horse fairly early. I’d also love to see my emergency cache early to help me get set up. After dark horse I’d say I’m definitely looking for the key and then maybe even Madame labranche as she’s so flexible and has such a solid ability. Obviously getting Sylvestre out early is always good too. Again the deck doesn’t need a ton of set up to be effective but my goodness once it’s set up with the key, Dark Horse, Pete, Labranche, Fire Axe, etc it’s nearly unstoppable. So consistent and powerful |
May 17, 2018Can you post a guide how develop this deck throughout a campaign? |
May 22, 2018Came across this deck while making one of my own. I was wondering what do you use to consistently get extra investigates or clues? Duke can be readied with a discard...if you have an item for scavenging, etc...what else is there? Some missions require a frightening amount of clues, not even my specialized Rex could keep up. |
May 22, 2018
Jun 16, 2018wow! played this deck tonight for the 1st time solo Curse of the Rougarou. Hard mulligan and took the 1st few cycles to get set up. This deck was a "beast". I'm always worried about dyeing or going crazy but with this set up the clock is now the new enemy. Just running out of time on the agenda got me the R1. This deck seemed to have sustain for hours. Maybe lucky draws or chaos pulls but I never felt weak. Im going to run it threw dunwich camp. blind Fingers crossed |
Jun 16, 2018
Aug 05, 2018Any thoughts on putting Yaotl in the deck? It seems to work so well with Duke! |
Aug 26, 2018So I guess with Key of Y's you go ahead and take out St. Hubert's, which in turn makes Reckless/Desperate/Prayers pretty pointless (6 cards), transforming this deck into something completely different. St Hubert's being gone opens up room for another cheap ally, etc... Honestly, the addition of Key of Y's really seems to require a new decklist, Jamjams -- and I'd love to see it. |
Sep 03, 2018I built basically the same deck, without knowing there was an update of the old version of Dark Horse Aschan. It's a very strong deck. For those who are sceptical, you to understand that you're not gonna roll over on every scenario. Sometimes, it's gonna be very painful, but most of the time, you will survive, wandering for some place to another, like a real hobo, enough average in every part of the game without having a real weak. If you don't have St Hubert key on board you can always take some horror waiting to have the asset in hand. Usefull skill : inspiring presence which matches with Duke. |
Feb 03, 2019I don't get all the allies, are you saying that you sacrifice Duke for them? |
Feb 03, 2019
Aug 22, 2019when you enter a skill test the timing says that ST.5 calculate skill value if you have money, Dark Horse now work at ST.6 determinate the result then you could play Lucky! no player window between 5 & 6 that means with Dark Horse lucky only cound +1 |
Sep 02, 2019A year later, how would you update this deck with cards that have become available since? |
Apr 22, 2020Great deck, I'm playing a variant of it right now. Does it make sense to include Relic Hunter to upgrades and try to run both St. Hubert's Key and Key of Ys or is one of those enough and is better to spend XP elsewhere? |
Jun 05, 2020Nice job! Im playing Carcosa and Its going on correctly! Im a newcomer in this game... What are the most important upgrades? Charisma, Pete... and? Im lost! sorry! thnx for all! |
Jun 09, 2020just built this deck and drew paranoia as my random basic weakness. lol |
Sep 15, 2020
Oct 27, 2020Why is no one talking about how amazing Lone Wolf must be with this kind of Dark Horse setup? I haven't tried it out yet, soon will, looks great on paper!
Jul 05, 20211 Question, for what do we need Scavenging here? and why only 1? There are very few Items we can get back from Discard (if any at all). Plus with only 1 Magn. Glass is heavy to find it in the Deck. Plus how to manage to get St. Hubert when you are spending your resources for Dark Horse, and maximum for Pete Sylvestre, Key is 4 Resources, where should you get this when you are on the Dark Horse mode? |
Jul 10, 2021Hi, do you have options instead of lucky here or is it extremely important? |
Oct 24, 2021Everytime I build this deck in TTS I end up with 29 cards plus the two weaknesses and Duke is MIA. Are my missing something? |
Oct 24, 2021Correction - after a few retries, I now have 31 (plus the weaknesses), but Duke is still MIA. |
Mar 05, 2023
Really nice one! Like it! But it still fells like he could get insane in one round... maybe cherished keepsake? Would fit with the zero cost....