Sefina Solo Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheLogain · 14

Trying a skilless Sefina solo through dunwhich.

Played “House always wins” and she glides through thanks to a forgiving encounter deck and a clutch The Painted World toward the end that let me Elusive past some enemies to the exit for 4xp.

I used the first 3xp on Streetwiseand the last on Lockpicks (replacing Arcane Studies)

Extracurricular activities was much tougher. Finished with 4 damage and 6 horror killing the a large enemy before he hit me to end the scenario. Had to Backstab it 3 times over 2 turns thanks to 2 The Painted World. Lone Wolf and David Renfield kept me flush with resources and Streetwise won me the scenario.

Getting a Charisma for my new allies and another Lockpicks cutting Quantum Flux as I don’t think it’s inpactful enough. Should have been an "I'm outta here!"