Card draw simulator
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TNT925 · 125
Charlie Blackmails the Town:
In the Thick of It gives 3xp for Summoned Hound and A Chance Encounter
Play Summoned Hound from discard using A Chance Encounter. This will prevent the bonded enemy from being shuffled into your deck
Short Supply will remove many cards. However, cards like Resourceful, Scrounge for Supplies, and A Chance Encounter will help get good cards back
Fire Axe is good for backup damage and a resource dump later on for Dark Horse
Mulligan for Summoned Hound, A Chance Encounter, and Drawing Thin
1xp: Replace Dr. Milan Christopher with a second Summoned Hound
2xp: Upgrade to A Chance Encounter from A Chance Encounter
1xp: Replace Alice Luxley with Miss Doyle
3xp: Add Charisma
5xp: Replace Guard Dog with Michael Leigh
5xp: Add Dark Horse
5xp: Replace Alice Luxley with The Black Cat
3xp: Add second Charisma
If you gain XP past this point you'll probably know what to remove to add the below cards
1xp: Replace something with Rod of Animalism
2xp: Replace something with Gang Up x2
I think you mean "wasted." "Waisted" means having a particular type of waist, or shaped like a waist.