Chalk Circles (Post-Museum Agnes)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dinner Theater (Post-Path Agnes Baker) 6 6 0 1.0

theatlas · 217

Agnes Baker: Chalk Circles

This is an Agnes Baker deck for Campaign Mode, suitable for both solo and multiplayer. It uses cards released up through The Miskatonic Museum (Feb. 2017).

Agnes was on a pretty solid footing right out of the gate with the Core Set, and then The Dunwich Legacy was quite generous to her. She gained perhaps more than any other investigator out of that set. This is an Agnes decklist that incorporates cards from both The Dunwich Legacy and The Miskatonic Museum. As a generalist, this deck is suitable for either solo or multiplayer play. It has tools both for investigation (Rite of Seeking, "Look what I found!" and Drawn to the Flame) and for combat (Shrivelling, Fire Axe and Agnes' triggered ability).

Cards from The Dunwich Legacy and The Miskatonic Museum:
  • Peter Sylvestre - An exceptional ally, especially in his upgraded form. (And I've never been much of a fan of Arcane Initiate.)

  • Fire Axe - The back-up weapon.

  • Ritual Candles

  • Rite of Seeking - Lets Agnes investigate with her good stat.

  • Delve Too Deep - It doesn't make the deck any better but it's a lot of fun to use. I've found it's not too hard to find a low-risk moment to play this (such as, when you've almost got the scenario completed or are already planning to resign). I think this is going to be a thing where if you like Delve Too Deep (and I think most people will), then it ends up in basically every Mystic deck you build.

  • Painkillers - Like Forbidden Knowledge, this is a way to trigger on-demand horror for Agnes' ability.
  • Peter Sylvestre (2) - This should be your first upgrade. +! It was tough to figure out what to cut to make room for Delve Too Deep, and what ended up going was Holy Rosary - in large part because Peter Sylvestre (2) fills a lot of the same role.

  • Flare - I really like this card, but the only allies in this deck are the 2 Peter Sylvestre so it's probably the wrong choice here. On the other hand, you might consider it if you've acquired some story asset allies, or if you're playing multiplayer and your teammates are packing useful allies (or have the story allies).

  • Lucky! (2)

  • Blinding Light (2)

  • Grotesque Statue - I would probably replace the Ritual Candles.

  • Song of the Dead - This feels a little overpriced on the experience side. I might consider it as a late upgrade, especially if you have Grotesque Statue (possibly taking the place of Blinding Light if you didn't end up upgrading that).

Thanks for reading!


Mar 05, 2017 Zorak · 514

Why you dont have Holy Rosary in your deck ?

Mar 05, 2017 Django · 5032

Nice ideas you have, i hadn't thought about Painkillers in my agnes deck yet.

The axe is also a nice addition to save charges on Shrivelling and combined with agnes ability, should deal with many enemies.

However from personal experience, even with Peter Sylvestre you'll run low on sanity, so you should include Holy Rosary, or other methods to heal sanity (maybe other players can take Liquid Courage). With only core, i ended the second and third szenario with only 1 sanity left on agnes...

I wouldn't include Song of the Dead, it's damage bonus is too ureliable and you've got Fire Axe for 1 damage attacks. I used it in my jim deck, but even with 3 skulls in the chaos bag and a Grotesque Statue, the damage never came up.

Mar 05, 2017 theatlas · 217

Something had to be cut to make room for the new cards, and I settled on cutting Holy Rosary because the upgraded Peter Sylvestre does all of the same things Holy Rosary does. If pre-Dunwich Agnes could make it through the core campaign with only Holy Rosary, then I think she can make it through now with Peter instead.

Mar 05, 2017 zozo · 2971

Hey @theatlas, lovely write up. I've been running a similar deck indeed. I've found in solo that rite, lwif and dttf in combination becomes a little bit of overkill - there are so few 2 clue locations that sometimes I found myself pining for a Flashlight. Not to say that this needs to change one bit, but in lower player counts, I reckon that's a reasonable shift.

Apart from that, I like your analysis a lot. I think the cut of rosary for BMoC is the right call. Personally I'm a fan of the neutral skill cards, but I'm not sure what I'd shift for two of, say Unexpected Courage.

Mar 05, 2017 theatlas · 217

@zozo - If I've gone overboard on the 2-clue abilities it's probably because I've got Miskatonic Museum on the brain. It can have between 3 and 5 locations that are 2 (plus the entrance, with its flat 2). But that's kind of an outlier, so I could definitely see swapping "Look what I found!" for Flashlight.

Mar 06, 2017 unitled · 2247

I like this deck a lot and will probably use it as a go to for a 'standard' Agnes deck.

But... why not take the Rosary until you have the experience for Pete and then swap it out? It's likely to be only 1 game, but in that game Peter Sylvestre I really isn't doing much for you!