"And my dear mother left me, when I was quite young..."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 935

My first Solo Deck, for Dunwich. No fancy plans - just Wendy likes Events, so let's give her lots.

Burglary and Pickpocketing are to keep her supplied with resources and cards.

Fire Axe 'cos it gives a way to push Strength to a useful level - and doesn't break...

Peter Sylvestre rather than Leo De Luca is a bit of an experiment; I fancied the 5 Agility, and Leo is just so expensive.

And Events, lots of events. Mulligan hard for Wendy's Amulet.

Upgrades - possibly replace Peter with Leo, and Elusive with Cat Burglar.