I had 6 curses (no bless) in the bag today and I needed to do 2 damage to a dumb Witch. Pulled 0 curses, did 1 damage.
3/10 the lasting personal trauma outweighs the general favorability of this card.
Заклинание. Проклятое.
Цена: 2. Опыт: 2.
Вытяните из мешка хаоса 7 случайных жетонов. Нанесите врагам в вашей локации суммарно 1 рану и дополнительно по 1 ране за каждый вытянутый из мешка жетон или , распределив эти раны между врагами на своё усмотрение. Это действие не вызывает внеочередных атак.
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I had 6 curses (no bless) in the bag today and I needed to do 2 damage to a dumb Witch. Pulled 0 curses, did 1 damage.
3/10 the lasting personal trauma outweighs the general favorability of this card.
Fell in love with this card at first sight and it turns out I was really impressed with it on my solo Luke Robinson run on Dunwich ("Return to" version, in standard). It takes some XP to gather all the needed pieces (the Blasphemous Covenant is a must have) but once you have them, this spell is basically 4-5 damage among enemies (yes, you chose how to assign the damage, its crazy good) in your location for only one action. The fact that it does not require a test is what makes this card so great and efficient (direct-damage cards are always more valuable than skill-dependent ones). In a campaign with annoying distant enemies such as whippoorwills, it got several shining moments, even in solo. This card was able to one shot Silas Bishop in Blood on the Altar and his buddy Seth Bishop later ! Combine this spell with an ally such as Dayana Esperence to replay it over and over again, and enemies won't be as problematic as before, even for a fragile mystic.
This card is good for :
This card works well with :
Blasphemous Covenant (must have)
False Covenant (less powerfull)
And some weaknesses such as Accursed Follower, Crisis of Faith, Dread Curse that actually help you out.