Tommy abusing Agency Backup (29 XP - Standalone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Agent Tommy 0 0 0 1.0
The Rooky Masochist (19XP) 0 0 0 1.0

matt88 · 3093

This idea has been wondering in my head for quite a long time, but I haven't had the chance to actually try it out, so I decided to post it as it is.

The idea is to abuse Agency Backup mainly and to lesser extend Brother Xavier as well in a way that they basically become immune to your weakness. The funny part is that in order for that to happen your weakness has to actually hit one of your allies (or get in the discard by other means) in order to guarrantee that immunity.

Let me explain: The secret lies behind the A Chance Encounter and Calling in Favors combo. Tommy is only who has access to this set of cards. That means that he can abuse expensive allies and play them cheap from the discard. To be more clear, what will happen if you play A Chance Encounter on Brother Xavier or Agency Backup and then play Calling in Favors? You will return Bro or Agency back into your hand and search your deck for another Bro or Agency and put it into play at reduced cost. The profit? Huge! You 've just recovered an ally from your discard and played another ally for a cost of 2 actions and 2-4 resources. And we 're talking about strong allies. Bro X and Agency mean business. Now adding Flare into the mix makes this even more crazy, as you can pull one of your allies at reduced cost let it die to your weakness and play the combo on it afterwards!

So, how do we make that happen?

Note: In between steps it is implied that you also play your other soaks and you are careful not to lose too much to Rookie Mistake. It is also implied that the reason you are drawing cards is not only to find the A Chance Encounter-Calling in Favors combo, but to also find Becky and other useful cards. As said above Becky is your main weapon and after you become immune your ammo will never-ever run out.

I'm curious how this will turn out. Keen Eye would be boss here of course but the 29 XP standalone version leaves no room for it. If you try this crazy deck out let me know how it went! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy! :)


Mar 04, 2020 Rancord · 1691

Fool me once would be good to seal rookie mistake if your deck gets shuffled.

Mar 04, 2020 Toastrunner · 915

Any reason for Self Sacrifice over Take Heart? TH seems better in every way (same card draw, +2 $, both cards activate on failed test).

I like the chance encounter/calling in favors combo

Mar 04, 2020 matt88 · 3093

@Rancord I don't understand your point. How can Fool me once seal a weakness?

@Toastrunner The reason I chose Self-Sacrifice over Take Heart is that it's more easily activatable and you have a ton of soak. If you like Take Heart more go for it instead. Both options are viable.

Mar 05, 2020 thakaris · 194

@matt88 well, as of now "Fool me once..." does not state - non weakness Treachery card - Rookie Mistake is in fact a treachery card, so "Fool me once..." would indeed trigger even though it might get fixed in a later errata since I don’t know if it is intentional. Currently, if you use "Fool me once..." on Rookie Mistake, when Rookie Mistake would be discarded it will stay out of the game indefinitely since no other copy can be drawn. - otherwise, like your deck, great idea.

Mar 05, 2020 matt88 · 3093

@thakaris So Fool me Once can be used on weaknesses? I didn't know that. That's interesting. This can open up a whole line of Deckbuilding possibilities! :)

Mar 05, 2020 Django · 5032

I played a similar deck and those combos are so great with Mandy to get 2 allies per flare or favors.

I did prefer Jessica and peter over brother. I also used solemn vow to keep my party healthy.

Mar 05, 2020 matt88 · 3093

Mandy getting in the mix means this gets even more crazy! I use Brother X mainly as expensive fodder for flare and favours. You do want that resource discount, don't you? As for Solemn Vow, I wish I had a slot or two with all that soak! :)

Mar 06, 2020 thakaris · 194

@matt88"Fool me once..." can be used on treacheries, so per RAW currently the answer in my opinion is yes, if you have resolved an effect and discard it. It would not work if you e.g. shuffle it back into your deck ( referring to the card text of fool me once)