Alas poor fools, Yorick!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Harvester of Sorrow 260 196 17 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Luthanial · 13

Early game (Mulligan guide)

Find a weapon

  1. Knife
  2. Gravedigger's Shovel
  3. Lantern is an optional if looking for clues
Next priority is Vicious Blow then Lantern, "Look what I found!", Perception, etc to start finding some clues.

Mid / Late game

Look for Ever Vigilant and a host of assets to play. We should be able to play 3 assets with this first action and our starting 5 resources.

Upgrade path

  1. Vicious Blow x2 Vicious Blow(2) x2

  2. Guard Dog x2 Beat Cop(2) or Aquinnah(3) x2 - former providing more consistent extra damage output while the latter provides an extra sanity buffer

  3. Emergency Cache x2 Ever Vigilant x2 - The one nice thing about Ever Vigilant over Emergency Cache (besides its action compression) is its icons which are almost always useful. If struggling for resources consider upgrading the 2xPerception to Ever Vigilant and keep the Cache (or 1 of Perception and Cache).

  4. Dodge Police Badge

  5. Cherished Keepsake Relic Hunter(3) - review this swap! Want to keep Cherished Keepsake ideally but need to fit Relic Hunter in somehow

  6. Unexpected Courage x2 Stroke of Luck x2

Pick up Scrapper and upgrade Lucky! to Lucky!(2) somewhere in between. Charisma is worth considering if deck is bloated with useful story assets like Lita Chantler and Dr. Francis Morgan. Consider also picking up Emergency Cache(2) to shore up economy.

Basic usage

NOTE: If more offense is required use Vicious Blow and Guard Dog (eventually adding Beat Cop(2) and Aquinnah(3))

Hitting Heavy

For most situations Knife and Vicious Blow(2) will provide all the damage needed to take down bosses. These two cards alone provide you upwards of 8 combat and 4 damage, and you can recur both via Yorick's and

Gravedigger's Shovel has +2 bonus. If you have the Shovel in one hand and Knife in the other, use Shovel to whittle a 3+ health enemy down and finish it off with the Knife's discard action. Lantern, Guard Dog, and Beat Cop(2) can provide additional support where needed.

Acquiring clues

Base of 2 supported by Lantern (a less potent, but reusable Flashlight) and Gravedigger's Shovel (when you want to grab that 1 clue off a high shroud location).

NOTE: Use Lantern to enable "Look what I found!" and Lucky!. These cards are valid targets for Resourceful (and Yorick's ).

Dressing appropriately

  • If parleytests are likely to be in campaign and sanity is a concern use Fine Clothes
  • Otherwise Bandolier for additional weapons and health

Apr 24, 2020 Nezuminotabi · 4

You don't need to remove Cherished Keepsake for Relic Hunter. Relic Hunter is a permanent and doesn't count towards your deck size. So just upgrade and be happy :)