The Winifred Habbamock Job - Solo (The Forgotten Age Cycle V

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Winifred Habbamock Job - Solo (Carcosa Cycle Version) 2 2 2 1.0
Inspiration for
The Winifred Habbamock Job - Solo - masques de minuit 0 0 0 1.0
The Winifred Habbamock Job - Solo - masques de minuit 0 0 0 1.0

Baronrazor · 142

Deck constructed for true solo play. I am still tinkering with it and accept suggestions. It worked very well on Dunwich.

Version 2.0

Upgrade path:

Priority 1: Streetwise; 1x Flashlight >The Skeleton Key; 2x Leo De Luca

Priority 2: 2x Mauser C96; 2x Manual Dexterity

Priority 3: 2x Lockpicks; 2x Backstab

If you are playing Dunwhich, Charisma becomes priority 1


Jun 26, 2021 [Tom] · 1

I like this deck very much! Question: since Winifred has only Will 1, why not playing Guts?

Jul 07, 2021 Camtabrigiensis · 1

Seconding Tom's point - trying this deck through TDL right now and Undimensioned and Unseen is a pain in the ass with only 1 WP and 2x Unexpected Courage in there. How did you manage it? Not like the treacheries don't otherwise build up anyways when they're testing 3WP at a time against a base of 1!

Jul 07, 2021 Baronrazor · 142


I have never used this deck beyond TFA. The idea was simple to abadan that one stat (since it's very weak). The idea is to plow through scenarios using Leo, Nimble, pick lock and skeleton keys. Having Guts my not chance the situation very much and her unique card might save her from a potentially deadly situation.

I chose to build this deck because it's fun to play and not an OP one.

But feel free to make any changes you might feel necessary. Come back with the results so we can discuss more!

Jul 31, 2021 [Tom] · 1

I am playing this deck currently through the Carcosa cycle, and since I have so many XP, I'm thinking about including All In - with Double or Nothing and Lockpicks you only have to find a loc with a reasonable low Shroud and you draw about 10 cards - maybe too much; I don't know?

Oct 25, 2021 Baronrazor · 142

I find the Lockpicks a nice idea. All in and Double or nothing might be risky but hey, she is a Daredevil!

Aug 08, 2022 Dioanemo · 1

I would switch your Leather Jacket with the Trench Coat