Signature Mulligan Style Akachi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bualls · 34

With the Signature Mulligan Rule you set aside your signature card and draw 4 cards, replacing weaknesses as normal. There are no mulligans from this point and instead add the signature card to your starting hand. Without that rule you just try your best to get your signature card Spirit-Speaker, Shrivelling, or Rite of Seeking.

*Special Note: This "Signature Mulligan" is not in the official rules. I merely heard about it from a friend in my play group, and we have a house rule to use this mulligan or the original "sanctioned" mulligan.

Now that all of that is out of the way I will go through individual card choices.

*Special Note: Spirit-Speaker - Although we dont have a choice to include this card this is by far the most important part of the deck. It fuels our economy, recycles Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling, and it lets us run as many arcane slots as we want without any/many drawbacks.

Alchemical Transmutation - You can choose to use it as its intended but the main purpose of this card is to combo it with Spirit-Speaker, essentially giving us 2 additional Emergency Cache. We have many expensive cards we want to be dishing out without having to use precious actions to do so. Just to run an easy explanation, you pay 1 for Alchemical Transmutation which comes into play with 4 charges, thanks to Akachi's ability. You then exhaust Spirit-Speaker, (actionless) getting 4 resources, which equals a net gain of 3 resources for 1 action (and 1 card). Trust me Emergency Cache is way more powerful than Alchemical Transmutation.

Scrying - This is a way better Alchemical Transmutation because of the utility attached to it. Although this was an auto include because it means 2 more Emergency Cache, the charges attached to it can be used if our economy is already established. Throw in the fact that we can recycle the charges with Spirit-Speaker and we have a a gem of a utility card.

Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling - These two need no explantion. This is how we stomp on things and collect clues. Recycles with Spirit-Speaker and in a pinch can be turned into some much needed resources.

Holy Rosary - We had an open accessory slot and plus 1 puts us to 6 total , which is a nice sweet spot to pass almost all checks in the standard to hard mode. We even get a bonus 2 Sanity because why not.

Flashlight - This is definitely one of few slots that isnt necessary, rather I enjoy it for its utility. You may be asking why would I include this when Rite of Seeking is way out of its league in terms of effectiveness and synergy with our strategy. This card in no way a back up for Rite of Seeking. Our is so garbage that giving -2 shroud will never give you good odds of passing. However, if you find a location with a shroud of 2 or less, the flashlight can reduce the shroud to 0 which means the only way to fail is to pull a . Even if we pull a minus 3 or more it cant reduce our stat to less than 0. We also have 2 open hand slots we wont be using, except for flashlight.

Arcane Initiate - This ally cost 1 resource, gives us 1 health and 2 sanity, and has an amazing actionless ability to find a good chunk of our cards, 14 to be exact. Free actions, especially free draws are among my personal favorite things to do. Yes it does increase our doom by 1, however there are tons of ways for us to ensure that it dies before it screws us real bad. One of Akachi's biggest draw backs is the 6 health which means I would never hesitate to throw away an Arcane Initiate to keep our main lady going.

Painkillers - 6 health is pretty bad. We need ways to mitigate the damage we take and there are no mystic or occult cards that help us achieve damage mitigation. There are however, a few neutral options. Fine Clothes is an ok option but the 1 health we get from it just inst worth the slot. Painkillers does a great job mitigating the damage and it does a great job of killing our Arcane Initiate if the doom would advance the encounter. Dont forget we have a bonus sanity we can dsiplace the horror onto in Holy Rosary.

Astral Travel - Action compression is one of the best things any card can do in any deck building game. Moving wherever you want can net us an insane amount of action compression, like 5+. The drawback on the token pull never matters. Spirit speaker is not an item or an ally so you can rip it whenever. The only time we care about the backdraw is when you have a Holy Rosary out with no backup Holy Rosary in hand and its the only item/ally we have. Throwing away an empty Flashlight, empty Painkillers, or Arcane Initiate is never a bad thing. Basically this card reads; move where ever you want for 3 resources while Spirit-Speaker gives us endless funds.

Blinding Light - Our isnt the worse but its not good either. Turning an evade check into gives us the best odds to escape. Do keep in mind that the drawback can be neutralized if we use this for the last action, but using it first action isnt the worst. I would definitely not run this on your second action, the drawback can be absolutely brutal if you do. It also has the added utility of dealing a damage, which is good for finishing things off if you dont have a Shrivelling or if the creature has an odd amount of health one of your 2 damage dealing attackers/spells can finish it off with one less action.

Drawn to the Flame - When action compression is king, like in this game, this card is an auto include in every mystic deck. We get 2 clues with no investigate checks. Autopasses for 2 clues is nuts, and the drawback ranges from "who cares" to "we just lost the game". Use with caution, but still an auto include.

Ward of Protection - Sometimes those treacheries can be crippling or even knock you out of the game. Neutralize that loss for 1 horror = easy deal.

Emergency Cache - We basically have 6 of these sons of bitches in the deck. Making Akachi an absolute machine.

Perception - This is another flex slot that can be changed to your preference. I chose it because I run with a group that prioritizes dealing with threats and extra help with checks gives us the best utility out of all the cantripping skill cards.

Unexpected Courage - The last flex slot. Just offers us great utility while making those mythos deck checks.

*Upgrades - Wasnt gunna do this portion because there are many viable options. I will let you all know what I would go for and it will be ordered in the matter of importance.

Grotesque Statue - 1 of 2 auto-includes. Its just too good with spirit speaker.It can recycle it or turn it into an emergeny Emergency Cache. Most likely you will be using it for checks, unless you need those 3 resources now. This will replace skill check cards or flashlight.

Song of the Dead - the second auto include. We only run 2 "weapons". This is our other way of passing combat checks and its a super Emergency Cache netting us a whopping 4 credits. Also its only 2 exp compared to all the other big bomby assets. This will replace skill check cards or flashlight.

After that I upgrade to both Blinding Lightand Ward of Protection for obvious reasons. After that its up to you guys completely. Bulletproof Vest is good here for damage mitigation if you have the exp to spare.

Thank yall for making it this far in the write up. I havnt tested this deck at all, and Im not sure how this deck would fare in a normal mulligan rules setting. But if you guys are interested in the new mulligan rule give this deck a spin, im sure it wont let you down.


Nov 15, 2017 Jandrix · 1

No Delve Too Deep 0/10

Nov 15, 2017 Naholow · 1

Is this a official new rule? And if so where did you find this? I'm assuming you just made it up but just wanted to be sure.

Nov 15, 2017 Bualls · 34

@JandrixLUL, classic.

@Naholow`There are no official rules. Just a house rule. If you dont want to use that rule then the power level gets sunk dramatically, and the deck would probably need/want some significant changes.

Nov 15, 2017 Bualls · 34

@Naholowif you are interested in the Signature mulligan rule, I did just add an exp upgrade section.

Nov 16, 2017 doldol161 · 38

I have a question about this rule, even if it's not official.

So, we will always start with our signature card in hand + 4 card from top deck and we have no more mulligan, right?

Nov 16, 2017 Bualls · 34

@doldol161Yes. Basically you sacrifice your mulligan to start with the game with your signature card in hand. It sort of balances out the reward you get for ensuring that you get your signature card. My group really likes deck building and we decided it was more fun to build around 2 reliable cards/effects rather than the 1-1.5ish you would have with the regular rules, depending on the signature card of course. It will of course be better for the investigators that have assets as their signature card. Akachi is a great example of the difference between building for a standard deck and building a deck with your signature card in hand. Something else to note, each investigator chooses which mull rule to use, we dont force everyone to use the same rule.