No Loose Ends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Eljackeado · 5

First deck i publish, i would love to see some opinions. I tried to make a flavourfull deck that is actually playable. The concept is Kymani and Fergus make a hit on a museum and steal the crystalizer. I left the tarot card on the main deck but you cannot have it on the first scenario, replace it with anytingh you find cheap and usefull. Its tecnically a flex deck, but it deals well with elite enemies. Its been tested on hard with a friend playing Vincent Lee. This deck deals with enemies through acceptable stats combined with buffed events that you can the commit on skill tests and if needed you can help clueing. Looking forward for some feedback cause i dont consider myself an efficient deck builder. I apollogize for my english, im spanish


Nov 06, 2023 Wolf · 75

Heya! A fun deck and a good way to play Kymani, as I think she's an awesome investigator. I have a few suggestions though, but they are not as much corrections as they are just my preferred way of playing her ;) I usually try and focus my deck, especially if it's in a 2-player game. So first I'd choose if I want to go for more of enemy-management, or more of a cluever Kymani. It's easy to flex, but in 2-player it can sometimes be detrimental.

  • I'd personally go for more weapons already in the level 0 deck, like .25 Automatic, as it gives you +2 even without the upgrade and already works perfectly from Dirty Fighting (2) from the start. But I'm always for more weapons, so think about what you need more of. If you also get clues, then get Thieves' Kit, otherwise I'd get 2 pistols.
  • Depending on which campaign you play, Tennessee Sour Mash is amazing in level 0 deck, and you can easily switch it for Guts. Maybe you can just put in one, it's usually quite enough early. It's also an item, so putting in another "I'll take that!" could be great to get more consistency - you will use Items anyway, why not get a few free, fast play ones? Especially if you're flex! (Also, as you have it in your Side Deck, don't forget to get in Thieves' Kit).
  • Maybe I'd remove Quick Thinking since you already have Swift Reflexes and if you really need more actions, maybe put in Honed Instinct instead, as it's also an event and even a bit cheaper than Swift Reflexes (you can always get Quick Thinking when you go for Underworld Market). Don't forget that none of these cards work with Chuck Fergus. Otherwise if you just need to skip useless actions, Nimble is always my card of choice for fast evading rogues. Even one move is an action, three is an entire turn! It's awesome, try it ;) Event version of it is Scout Ahead, which also goes with Chuck Fergus AND Crystallizer of Dreams.
  • Also, I'd put in more economy, as I find the event-focused decks to be quite expensive. Especially initial economy, as you need to put in Chuck Fergus ASAP, and it's expensive. Another Emergency Cache would go a long way, as would Faustian Bargain (it also gives you symbols for Crystallizer of Dreams). It would also be thematic, as stealing the Crystallizer is a deal with the devil, so is Faustian Bargain :D
  • As said - I'd cut down on skills and put in more events. If you need to investigate, one Pilfer is amazing. If you're bored with an annoying enemy, one Slip Away works beautifully. If you want to use weapons and fight a lot, you'll use .25 Automatic, .25 Automatic (2), Colt Vest Pocket (2) and Lupara (3), and for that, Sleight of Hand works beautifully.

Nov 15, 2023 Eljackeado · 5

I appreciate the feedback a lot. Indeed i finally added 2 Faustian bargains and removed the emergency cache which has no icons for the crystallizer.