Jeremiah Luxley : Making Helping Hand Awesome (19 XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

5argon · 8947

I think this is a pretty cool use of Parallel Back Daisy's weird splash and off-class Tome access. Front remains a regular version.

This deck involves a lot of 0 or 2 cost Event card with icon(s) that Jeremiah Kirby could pick up by choosing "even" to get Daisy ready to commit to Clue Glyphs test + Helping Hand. Alice Luxley plays with Evade Glyphs and Working a Hunch. You can also hunch from your deck with Old Book of Lore (3)'s secret to deal Alice damage with your free Tome action.

At the end of 19 XP adds a True Magick, it improves setup consistency by making the glyphs OK to come up in later rounds, usable from hand as soon as you draw them. The glyphs, all allies, True Magick, upgraded Magnifying Glass (1), and upgraded Old Book of Lore (3) have even number cost. Enjoy!

 Cost  Total
19 XP Priorities 0 XP
   Magnifying Glass    Magnifying Glass 1 XP 1 XP
   Magnifying Glass    Magnifying Glass 1 XP 2 XP
   Archaic Glyphs    Archaic Glyphs (Clue) ••• 3 XP 5 XP
   Archaic Glyphs    Archaic Glyphs (Evade) ••• 3 XP 8 XP
   Old Book of Lore    Old Book of Lore ••• 3 XP 11 XP
    +  Charisma ••• 3 XP 14 XP
   Ghastly Revelation  →  True Magick ••••• 5 XP 19 XP
29 XP 19 XP
   Old Book of Lore    Old Book of Lore ••• 3 XP 22 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 24 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 26 XP
   Truth from Fiction  →  Expose Weakness ••• 3 XP 29 XP

(View at

Hitting Magnifying Glass (1) and Crack the Case after playing Jeremiah Kirby the first round is probably the best case, you can get to work with 7 and then recover the resources you just played Jeremiah Kirby. (He is not Dr. Milan Christopher, you need some help to find the resource back!) For the 1st scenario...

  • If you get 1~2 XP, get 2x Magnifying Glass (1) just to get an even numbered cost.
  • If you get 3~4 XP, I would get 1x Archaic Glyphs (clue version) and spend remaining XP on glass, if any.
  • If you get 5 XP, do as the plan above.
  • If you get 6 XP, probably should purchase 2x glyphs to get rid of Unidentified version before getting any glasses.

29 XP : Making a 2nd copy of Old Book of Lore (3) to even numbered cost improves even more consistency from Jeremiah Kirby to kickstart things. Deduction (2) has and doubles even harder with Helping Hand (and get that over-success effect). Lastly, Expose Weakness (3)'s is a yet another even numbered cost Event that could be , and can also support your fighter at end game. I'd still keep one Truth from Fiction to refill Old Book of Lore (3).

Progressing from 0 XP

  • To complete the Archaic Glyphs quest in the 1st scenario, Jeremiah Kirby will help getting those icons up to your hand. You can use Daisy's free Tome to do the glyphs. Also it does not exhaust, so you can still use real action in a hurry to finish it. Careful of The Necronomicon bumping it out if you don't hurry!
  • You can try your luck with Shrewd Analysis to perform double glyphs upgrade going into the 2nd scenario. The gamble is to get at least one clue vacuuming version, otherwise those 2x Helping Hand splash will be sad. Not getting the Evade version is not too bad, but if you get it, it is cool with Alice Luxley's ability and provide flexibility to True Magick to choose from 2 choices if you got both in hand.
  • Alternatively, you can try adding Down the Rabbit Hole (have to take place of Toe to Toe, also an exciting card...) seeing that large chunk of this plan are upgrades to get a head start.
  • This Daisy does not have something like Mind over Matter at 0 XP to bail out, get your fighter to help with enemies until she get Evade version of glyphs. You are likely to have that one Toe to Toe ready if you play Jeremiah Kirby.
    • If enemy is 2 HP, you can use Toe to Toe to auto win. Laboratory Assistant is a good card to take the hit. Later when you have Charisma, it is a good way to transition to Jeremiah Kirby + Alice Luxley setup with constant +2 .
    • If enemy is 3 HP, you can still auto win on 0 XP deck with Alice Luxley + Working a Hunch, then Toe to Toe having Alice take the hit. You can also chip 2 HP out of 3 HP from enemies engaging on the fighter player, so perhaps they can save ammo. There is no risk of friendly fire at all.
  • Inquiring Mind + Helping Hand can get her up to 8 . Useful for lethal damage fail-by too. (Which Mind over Matter can't deal with.)
  • Before 19 XP, try to die with Ghastly Revelation instead of by damage. This is easy to decide if you are currently engaged and going to die in Enemy Phase. But sometimes you might have to decide to kill yourself predicting that the next treachery might finish you off. (Important if you are standing on finished VP location, as you can transfer clues to someone else with this card.) This play also reduce number of treachery your party have to draw near the end, especially if Ancient Evils are in the deck and it is the final round and there are more copies remaining. Mental trauma likely does not matter, if it mattered then she still has 2x Logical Reasoning to heal.

As soon as you get the clue glyphs..

Gather even numbered Event cards by playing Jeremiah Kirby. Gather everything by repeating with Old Book of Lore. (Prioritize things Kirby can't get like Helping Hand / Inquiring Mind.)

Sometimes you don't even need or Inquiring Mind for a big double, when you have so many cards on hand it is fine to commit many of duplicate allies for (All of them has one icon, and all even numbered cost.), or Calling in Favors you are not going to use.

As long as you cling to one of the Old Book of Lore (0) to get a filtered draw it is not hard to do! I managed to do this for consecutive scenarios and get 3~5 clues in one action.

Always ask for more from friends when making a doubled glyph play. Signature cards and Campaign cards from your friend can also commit for big icons, like On the Lam, Shrewd Dealings. (You can also decide to use Advanced Daisy's Tote Bag yourself for those juicy icons to double.)



  • Use Calling in Favors to swap between Jeremiah Kirby and Alice Luxley, their play cost are equally 4. This also allow you to play Jeremiah Kirby from hand to choose "even" again. (Max twice per game with the Taboo.) They also protect your frail 5 health. When swapping out Jeremiah Kirby if you get Laboratory Assistant instead that's also OK, as it let you handle large amount of draws you just got from Jeremiah Kirby, and you get 2 more draws!
  • Truth from Fiction : Refill Old Book of Lore (3) to accelerate your team's setup more times. If you use Old Book of Lore (3) and found this, you can either play to get a net +1 secret or pick it up for .
  • Logical Reasoning is a good one to spend secret when using Daisy's free Tome on Old Book of Lore (3), saving both resources and action since it is not Fast. You just have to remember if your friend is in danger of defeat by horror, gamble on reading them some lore so they can reason logically! (Check discard pile for chances to hit one of 2 copies.)
  • Working a Hunch : Ignores AoO and deal damage with Alice Luxley in situation that the fighter could help you deal 2 damage to the 3 HP enemy you are engaged with, left it with 1 HP for you to finish it on your own.
  • If you draw the glyphs earlier than True Magick, just play it and use 3 charges normally. Often waiting for the "infinite glyphs" combo loses too many opportunities. True Magick is intended to be a flexible glyphs proxy in the case that they go to the middle of your deck.
  • You can ask your fighter for Vicious Blow when doing Toe to Toe. The test still occurs and there is a step to commit. You just don't have to pull chaos token.