True solo Stella Clark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

warbossd · 61

This deck has been designed to play in true solo mode.

.18 Derringer: Probably the weaker of the two weapons in the deck but very useful if you want to take a fight test you cannot win to trigger Rabbit's Foot, Drawing Thin, Take Heart or Stella Clark's ability without losing ammo.

Meat Cleaver: When used in combination with Peter Sylvestre this is a very effective weapon. After Peter Sylvestre is upgraded you can kill a 6 health enemy using him to soak all that horror from the damage boosts.

Old Keyring: Synergises with Stella Clark's ability in the same way as .18 Derringer. While the upgraded version is good it probably isn't worth the XP in true solo mode as many locations are only a single clue.

Rabbit's Foot: Good level 0 for adding more value to failed tests. The upgraded Rabbit's Foot is actually a very good upgrade for this deck allowing you to dodge weaknesses at awkward moments and fish for combo pieces.

Peter Sylvestre: This ally does a lot of work in this deck. With base 4 and a boost from Track Shoes and his combo with Meat Cleaver basically make this card the core piece in Stella Clark's enemy management strategy.

Track Shoes: As well as helping to evade all non-hunter enemies the action compression from the extra move effect is awesome action compression in true solo.

A Test of Will: This card is probably better than it first appears in this deck. After we are upgraded into 2 x Quick Learner, the test on it becomes a 5 test, which isn't great, but one thing it allows us to do is trigger a test in the mythos phase that we might want to fail to reap a ton of boons from such as resources, card draw and extra actions even when the treachery card we have drawn has no test on it. The level 2 version of A Test of Will, is worth considering as an upgrade as it cancels the treachery AND gives a test for us. The level 1 version is not worth buying for this deck.

Belly of the Beast: Good action compression for true solo that synergises with our low and our main enemy management plan.

Emergency Cache: Good economy at level 0 but really should be upgraded into Drawing Thin when you can, as it is more action efficient for true solo play.

Live and Learn: Fail a test loaded up with Drawing Thins and Take Heart, then try it again. Great card in Stella Clark.

Perception: A good level 0 staple to get the deck moving early on in the campaign.

Resourceful: This card becomes a powerhouse in the upgraded version of this deck. With 2 x Quick Learner in play and a Neither Rain nor Snow you can pretty much guarantee triggering it to return a weapon, ally or True Survivor to your hand at just the right time. Note that True Survivor can return Resourceful to your hand setting up a skill loop that really pushes this deck's power in later scenarios of a campaign. Getting this combo going early in a scenario means you can often forego card draw opportunities to leave weaknesses buried in your deck.

Take Heart: More upside for failing tests and also Innate, so it is recoverable with True Survivor.

Unexpected Courage: Great level 0 staple. The upgraded Unexpected Courage is probably not worth the XP in this deck as we are often choosing our failure tests carefully and so we don't need to boost the test before failing. This is also another Innate skill card to recover with True Survivor.

Upgrade path

8XP ( 8): 2x Quick Learner: This card is really strong with Stella Clark but it requires some skill to play round it. With a 4 turn we can get a lot of value out of it but mythos phases become problematic and our first action each turn can be tough especially if we are engaged with a retaliate or alert enemy. Planning your turns out thoroughly is essential.

4xp (12): Peter Sylvestre: He's good. Make him better.

2XP (14): Perception -> Gumption: Gumption is basically a second Unexpected Courage and it is also Innate (see True Survivor).

6XP (20): Lucky! -> True Survivor: Massive combo piece in this deck. If you get a lot of XP early in the campaign upgrading into this ahead of Gumption is not a bad idea.

6XP (26): Emergency Cache -> Drawing Thin: As stated above this upgrade is more action efficient and repeatable, allowing us to get insane resource generation off of failed tests.

6XP (32): Rabbit's Foot -> Will to Survive and Nightmare Bauble: Towards the end of a campaign, I have found this deck can really only be stopped by the token, so let's help with that. Nightmare Bauble does this directly while Will to Survive just stops us using the chaos bag at all for a critical turn. Rabbit's Foot becomes redundant with Drawing Thin in the deck and it clashes with the accessory slot for Nightmare Bauble so that's why I removed it.