Rita's Shotcaster does everything [Guide]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Calprinicus · 5683

Amazing effective deck I used in my latest Scarlet Keys playthrough!



This deck focuses on boosting Rita's , then using Hyperphysical Shotcaster to find clues from any location. This makes Rita well rounded at both dealing with enemies and collecting clues.

You'll use Scavenging & Ice Pick in conjunction with the Hyperphysical Shotcaster to find more clues.

You can even Sleight of Hand a Hyperphysical Shotcaster for extra uses!

In early games, you'll have Refine to help get Hyperphysical Shotcaster its Railshooter & Realitycollapser forms.

  • Note: you can't have more than 6 checkboxes or tabooed Sleight of Hand won't work.
  • Note: Refine is a Supply & can be attached to Backpack


Boost Rita's with:

Get Hyperphysical Shotcaster in play:

Use to investigate

Use to Fight:

Use Scavenging to return items from your discard pile:






May 20, 2024 TablePlay · 1

Fun use of Hyperphysical Shotcaster with Rita! I need to read my cards better, I never knew Hyperphysical Shotcaster could fetch clues from ANYWHERE, I thought it just substituted the skill uses.

FFG keeps disappointing me. They keep adding cool Trick support like Chuck Fergus, but nothing Rita can add to her deck.

May 21, 2024 lovertai · 33

I am planning to play a Rita deck too! I wonder if “I’ll take that!” Would be a better deckbuilding option? You don’t take dirty fighting, so I think you are focusing on the cluever side. Btw it works when evading hood too.

May 21, 2024 Calprinicus · 5683

@lovertai I think "I'll take that!" & Dirty Fighting are both great options.

  • "I'll take that!": Is essentially a action to play assets, which was a definite pain point in this build. Fun fact, It was in my initial build until we had a player choose Carson Sinclair. I do think this would optimize the build, currently the 1x Scout Ahead is my flex card, and I think I should replace that card (& 1 other card) to make room for 2x "I'll take that!". Thank you for reminding me!
  • Dirty Fighting: I personally haven't had a great experience with this card in other builds, so I excluded it. This build does do a lot of cluing, but If you need to be take a more fighting oriented role, I could definitely see this as a good addition. However, I will note that with Hyperphysical Shotcaster (Railshooter form) + Scavenging & Cheap Shot, I've found that was never short on dealing damage.

May 21, 2024 Calprinicus · 5683

I removed:


I'll probably release an updated build with comprehensive guide once I run through another campaign with her. This has quickly become one of my favorite builds from an severely underplayed investigator.