Silas Can’t Fail

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1083

A basic bitch Silas for multiplayer, with a strong emphasis on combat and survivability. But he’s capable of scooping up a few clues, aiding teammates with committed cards, and might even contribute some bless tokens to the chaos bag. Most of this deck is obvious:

  • no wasted time with elaborate asset setups; you lean on commits and dive right into the action

  • no janky weapons combos here, just hack things with a trusty Fire Axe. Bonus damage is added via Long Shot, Strong-Armed, and the Ice Picks

  • lean on Peter Sylvestre for horror soak. He can also heal damage if you get him on those Painkillers

  • use your mulligan and Eureka! to help find Fire Axe and Peter Sylvestre. If they’re already secured, try for the important commit cards Defiance and Nautical Prowess

  • scoop a couple clues with True Understanding, and try to only use the Flashlight at spots with 2 shroud so that you pretty much can’t fail (testing at 0 difficulty means that only the token is bad)

  • Lucky! will probably be used for treacheries, since you’ll often have spent all your resources on the fire axe during combat

There are 3 cards included that confer a benefit even after they’re returned to your hand. Try to use the ability every turn!

  • Nautical Prowess grants a free card draw if you pull any token with a negative modifier. Great for low-stakes tests like with the Track Shoes or investigating with the flashlight

  • either version of Defiance can nerf spooky symbols for particularly important tests

  • Signum Crucis loads the chaos bag with bless tokens, but only on tests that are more difficult

Ideas for upgrades:

  • Ice Picks are substitutes for the knives and can be recurred with Resourceful

  • Defiance is a key upgrade that helps manage the chaos bag

  • Strong-Armed adds damage and taps into your health to fish for the chaos token that you need

  • beyond the axe, you don’t really have much use for cash. Consider Will to Survive to avoid the chaos bag for your whole turn

  • upgrade one copy of lucky into Eucatastrophe at some point

  • Fickle Fortune is a rare way to reduce doom, certainly worth consideration once you have the basics covered

Some upgrade ideas will depend on your group and campaign:

  • if other investigators are also adding bless tokens then get Ancient Covenant, which leads to less bless tokens leaking out of the bag and more frequent successful skill tests

  • Fire Extinguisher is a luxury upgrade. If you end up needing swing a lot of times in succession it’s probably a bit better than an axe

  • in a campaign that is really heavy on treacheries consider Plucky for another layer of horror soak