Zoey Samaras - Stir Crazy at the Asylum (For Dttf)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StartWithTheName · 64587

Substantial Spoiler Warning:

The below contain substantial scenario spoilers for the the unspeakable Oath scenario and some key plot points prior to that point in the path to carcosa comapaign. This includes references to several encounter cards, and act/agenda deck content in the narrative. If you have not yet completed this scenario, I recommend playing through it normally before reading any further



This deck was inspired by Drawn to the Flame Podcasts thematic deck and scenario combo competition. I say inspired by, because I dont want to be considered for the competition per se. I consider both of the presenters to be friends, and I wouldnt want them to be put in a conflict of interest. Plus ive seen some of the other entries and frankly theyre brilliant. I wouldnt want my comedy offering to detract from them. I basically just enjoy writing decks and I wanted to offer a contribution :)



"we're not sure sir. She may have hidden it in in a sock or something when she came in... Certainly it was different to the others she took from the Kitchen. It appears she has been collecting them for some time. We found two more in her cell."

"Remind me, why was she out of her cell?"

"Labour duty Sir. It helps rehabilitate the patients. And she is actually a very good cook, I understand they let her believe she was here working as a chef for a hospital."

"Hmmm. Ok, I understand The Axe from the wall, and various pans and things - you know, you shouldnt laugh, but Chef Stephens always said she was innovative with a whisk, in that belittling tone he always takes with the patients. Horrible man at least, one of of them was bound to snap sooner or later. I hear he’s been signed off for a month. Anyway, tell me about the gun."

"She never had a ‘gun’ sir."

"But several witnesses say they saw Miss Samaras... let me see here... ‘fry some monstrocity in the infirmary with it’ it says...

"It appears to be some sort of group hallucination Sir. All of the witnesses to the gun incident were patients on a similar medication to Miss Samaras”

“The ones she wasn’t actually taking but hiding in the wall of her cell?”

”Yes Sir, but they do also say it had ‘holy batteries’ that we’re ‘blessed’ by the new Chaplin, and that a man appeared out of no where with specific orders from god to release Mr Chesterfield before vanishing. Believe me Sir, they were taking it.

"Ah yes, I was going to get to Father Xavier. You say he was on his first week of rounds. Unlucky fellow. Possibly the religious imagery may have been what set her off. How is he?”

”We haven’t seen him since either Sir. I gather the two of them have something of a history”.

“You dont think they planned this together do you? Mind you, those baggy robes could hold anything..."

"Sir, there was no gun. Agent Banks has stated in his report that the scorched corpses are from the fire she started in the kitchen. Mr Banks thinks it may have been a throw back to what happened to her parents. Apparently that’s when her voices first started. He thinks she might also be linked to that fire in town."

"Yes I know all that, but those burns are much deeper than the others, and of course Mr Johnson says otherwise. He said hed seen the gun before. I gather its something of a home build."

"Agent Banks says the fire caught a gas pipe in the infirmary. And, with respect sir, Mr Johnson will be joining us in B wing once he's released form St Mary's.”

"Oh. I see. ... Whisk?”

Rolling Pin

“Ooof... blimey, well in that case we’d better get these notes in order hadn’t we. She certainly was a resourceful and tenacious woman, Its quite the wake she left.”

”Thank you Sir”

“Ok. Her history of delusion goes a long way to explaining a lot of the ‘evidence of conspiracy’ that she kept seeing. There was also that rant to on her first day about thing following her that no one else could see. It also explains a lot of her motive. But whats all this Drawn to the Flame nonsense she kept repeating?"

"We think it was just a flagrant attempt to curry favor with the authorities Sir."