Q: With Fence, can I play an Illicit asset (or appropriate event) in the after my last action? This seems a bit more prickly as I need to initiate a play action before I can give fast to the card... But then also fast cards don't use the play Action to enter play? A: Yes, you can. Fast assets can be played in any player window during your turn, including the one after your last action is taken. Fence gives the card fast before it is actually played, so this is taken into account during its initiation sequence.
Q: Double, Double vs Pay Day. Can the of Double, Double be initiated despite the end of the turn [from Pay Day]? If the turn immediately ends, does this mean even if Pay Day is played again, no actions were performed and the second pay day will grant no resources? A: Technically, you can use Double, Double to play a card that ends your turn twice, even though it ends your turn. Ending your turn doesn’t mean that you can’t trigger effects, it just means that you can no longer take actions. Since the second playing of the card doesn’t cost an action in this case, you can go ahead and resolve it even though your turn has ended. HOWEVER, due to the specific text on Pay Day, doing so would essentially do nothing. It says that you gain 1 resource for each action you performed this turn. Since you are playing it outside of your turn, you would gain 0 resources from the second copy of Pay Day (since the first copy ended your turn.)
Q: Per FAQ 2.0 entry 2.19 "Take an action" vs "Perform/resolve an action"] we are told to distinguish between effects that instruct a player to perform an action and ones that instruct a player to take an action. The implication appears to be that only the former are intended to "count" for effects that count how many actions have been taken so far in a turn. However, the most commonly played card that counts actions taken, Pay Day, actually counts how many actions have been "performed". Is that simply imprecise templating? Similarly Frozen in Fear triggers when actions are "performed" despite the common understanding that only abilities that cost actions in the first place can be taxed by FiF. Finally, and in the same vein, bold action designators on free triggered abilities or reactions also "perform" actions. Am I correct that they are not intended to be taxed by FiF or count towards Pay Day? A: Frozen in Fear requires 1 additional action to be spent when performing basic actions, granted actions, or Free Triggered Ability actions of the specified types. We have decided on the following clarifications for Pay Day:
- Pay Day will grant 1 resource for each basic action taken, any effect that states “perform an X action”, any effect that states “take an X action”, and Free Triggered Abilities with a bold action trigger.
- Pay Day will NOT grant resources for Fast cards played or “action triggered abilities” that require multiple player actions to be spent on a single action performed (ex. the second ability on Sledgehammer that only counts as one Fight action).
Follow-up Q: To be completely clear, does Frozen in Fear make the move granted from Shortcut cost an action or not? A: Yes, the move on Shortcut (2) would then cost an action.
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Latest Taboo
This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This is practically an auto-buy for Finn Edwards, who can manage five actions right out of the starting gate using his free evade and Quick Thinking, and potentially boost it to truly absurd extremes later on with upgraded .41 Derringer and Ace in the Hole - plus he's the only Rogue who can't get his hands on a Level-4 Hot Streak.
The "end your turn" effect is mostly academic, since you want this to be your last action anyway. It's sad that Pay Day is based on the number of actions you performed "this turn" instead of "this phase," because otherwise you could get 16 resources from playing Pay Day at the end of your turn, and 17 from playing a second one on another player's turn using Quick Thinking, for a total of 33 resources! (Exactly how you'd get 17 actions on one turn is left as a fairly silly exercise for the reader.) More interestingly, the "end your turn" effect suggests that other cards with a "for each action you performed this turn" effect may eventually turn up, and they wanted to nip game-breaking combos in the bud.
So Finn definitely wants it. Does anybody else? That's a tougher call. If you've built your Rogue with decent access to extra actions (mainly using the abovementioned cards), Pay Day is a decent replacement for Emergency Cache - you get better efficiency, but it has more playing restrictions. In that way, it's analogous to Uncage the Soul.
The main problem there is that the Rogue class has lots of ways to accumulate resources, and some of them are 0-level cards, like Lone Wolf, "Watch this!", and Decorated Skull, and Pay Day doesn't distinguish itself that well. It's not bad for most Rogues, but it's not amazing either. If you're running Ace in the Hole or the upcoming Borrowed Time, though, then of course that analysis goes right out the window.
Notably, Pay Day's ability to monetize on large action-counts might induce me to like Leo De Luca again. I don't think Pay Day alone is enough to tip the scales, but perhaps someday soon...
Not much of a review, but I think, the art features Trish Scarborough, right after she opened the safe on Manual Dexterity. Would you agree? The length of the sleeve is not matching, but she could have rolled it up on her right arm, which she used to crack the safe, while is clearly using her left hand to grab into it.
I'm thinking Tony Morgan should strongly consider this card as an early upgrade. First off, he's already motivated to fight enemies with Bounties on them with an upgraded .41 Derringer. With his native 5 you can already see that, just by doing what Tony already wants to do, you can easily achieve 5+ action turns. Then you factor in all the ways you'd normally try to get big action turns with Rogues: Leo De Luca, Ace in the Hole, Borrowed Time, an easily activated Quick Thinking on, say, a Derringer Fight test, and maybe couple that with Double or Nothing if you're feeling extra cheeky.
Also I think this was overlooked in the other review, but I think it's interesting that Borrowed Time lets you defer actions by spending actions. This means technically if you have 3 charges on Borrowed Time, you can continually defer those actions all game and you'd technically be taking 6 action turns. This means that, if you choose to defer those actions over and over again, you can play Pay Day for 6 resources whenever it comes up. Not bad.
Now it's unrealistic to say you'd be able to achieve the maximum number of potential actions in one turn because it's so heavily dependent on oversuccess and having the right cards all at once, but just for fun let's see what's possible. Start with your default 3. You gain +1 from doing at least one Bounty Fight and +1 from Leo. Use Quick Thinking and Double or Nothing on a Derringer test (without Taboo you could commit 2 Quick Thinking) to net +4 actions (or +6 without Taboo). Gain +3 from Borrowed Time and another +3 from Ace in the Hole. You're looking at 15 or 17 actions depending on Taboo. Will you ever get that many? Probably not, but you can easily get 5 or so between Tony's ability and Leo, and 6 or 7 won't be hard to pull off thanks to Quick Thinking and Derringer. If you have the Borrowed Time loop happening, you can bump all those numbers up by 3 easily.