Joe's Tarot Reading #6: Union and Disillusion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Joe's Tarot Reading #5: For the Greater Good 3 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Joe's Tarot Reading #7: In the Clutches of Chaos 1 0 0 1.0

Magnificate · 1184

Union and Disillusion

Pre-Mulligan Hand: Eureka!, Strange Solution, Crack the Case, Daring Maneuver, Vicious Blow, Fine Clothes

Opening Hand: Strange Solution, Detective's Colt 1911s, 2× Prepared for the Worst, 2× Mr. "Rook"

Joe sides with the coven and begins the scenario with 2 extra doom.

1-Card Tarot Draw: Reversed Queen of Pentacles


The reversed Queen of Pentacles, that's not the best reading. In traditional readings it often indicates problems with mismanaging your finances and in Arkham Horror that might translate to misplays and depleted resource pool. In more general terms the reversed Queen of Pentacles warns of one's misplaced priorities. This in fact isn't too far off the mark for Joe. This entire campaign begun because of Jerome and this is the scenario where him and other Prologue investigators are supposed to be saved. Except, with the benefit of hindsight we know for certain that Jerome cannot be saved. So, what is Joe's role on this isle? In addition, when it comes to Joe's deck, we've added one flashy expensive effect. It feels good to have it, but I'm sure the Queen of Pentacles would rather we went for a more balanced approach and finally filled out our deck with missing staples, such as the second Pathfinder or "I've Had Worse..." II.




Two Ancient in a row! Counting the setup that's four extra doom and that severely hamstrings Joe. More than that, we're losing heaps of cards to the Circle actions and it's going to get even worse given that Agility is part of the Circle on the first revealed Unvisited Isle location. I think Joe can handle one of those, but not more. Especially not under the gaze of the Watcher. BTW, notice that Rook hasn't found Paranoia despite dipping into the deck three times already? That's the reversed Queen of Pentacles right there, making us all jittery.




We're losing too much time. Three rounds came and went and Joe still hasn't cleared the Moss-Covered Steps. Notice that we're taking draw actions, this shouldn't be happening in an investigator with so many tutor effects. We're not going to make it, I think. Particularly given that the Moss-Covered Steps has on it another Circle action featuring Agility. Oh, and those Shadow Hounds? I direct your attention to the portrayal of the Queen of Pentacles. She's surrounded with animals.




Joe has now confirmed that his friend is dead. At least our detective didn't fight his "Starved for Answers" variant. Given that Joe managed to miss a Nether Mist, an enemy which I assume surrounded him from all directions, he might've run out of the ichor vials before long. Honestly, that tentacle token was dejecting. I wanted to see at least one cinematic action before the end of the scenario. In the end that Nether Mist was defeated by, I imagine, Joe running in one direction and doing a haymaker. With an incoherent war cry to boot. Eh. We're in a position to resign now.


Resigned. Due to Joe's previous actions the scales were tipped in the Silver Twilight Lodge favour and so their leader is now in possession of a book containing the secrets of the universe. As far as Joe is aware the ante was upped to national level threat. We of course know better, as the entirety of humanity is doomed should Azathoth stir from his slumber. All in all, this scenario is one of the more difficult ones and I was prepared for a loss. However, even taking the above into account Joe performed poorly. No extra points for style for him.

Campaign Log:

Disappearance at the Twilight Estate: Jerome was taken by the Watcher. 6 pieces of evidence were left behind.

The Witching Hour: Joe has rejected his fate. Joe identified the solution. The witches’ spell was broken. 8 XP (Anette Mason, Abandoned Mine, Cairn Stones, The Lonely Tree, Tainted Well, Hermit’s House, 1 bonus XP), Mementos: Mesmerizing Flute & Ritual Components.

At Death’s Doorstep: Joe is on Jerome’s trail. Joe escaped the spectral realm. Joe rescued Josef. Joe is a member of the Lodge. Joe is deceiving the Lodge. 6 XP (Office, Billiards Room, Master Bedroom, 2 bonus XP).

The Secret Name: Joe told the Lodge about the coven. 4 XP (Twilight Abyss, Physics Classroom, 2 bonus XP), Mementos: Gilman’s Journal, Keziah’s Formulae & Worn Crucifix.

The Wages of Sin: 2 heretics were unleashed unto Arkham. 4 XP (Haunted Fields, Abandoned Chapel, 2× Unfinished Business), Mementos: Wisp of Spectral Mist.

For the Greater Good: Joe discovered how to open the puzzle box. Joe kept his mementos hidden. 5 XP (Nathan Wick, Vault, Library, Ceremony Room).

Union and Disillusion: Joe sided with the coven. Carl Sanford possesses the secrets of the universe. Jerome is dead. 4 XP (Nether Mist, Misty Clearing, Moss-Covered Steps, Haunted Spring).