[Guide] "Yes" Wini

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aesyn · 529

"Yes" Wini?


Clues? Yes.
Soak? Yes Yes.
Fighting? Yess.
Evasion? YES!

Encounter Protection? Yeah.. Well, not so much.


Just in 9 xp, Wini becomes proficient at pretty much everything the game throws at you. With the help of new The Scarlet Keys cards Underworld Market and Dirty Fighting, she becomes more efficient and consistent than ever! Works in solo and multiplayer because she's so flexy.

Deck Explanation

Put all your illicit cards under Underworld Market (there are only 10 in this deck). Prioritize getting Thieves' Kit > Switchblade > Dirty Fighting > the rest. (Prioritize "I'll take that!" if you think you will be short on resources)

Mulligan for resource generation and Lonnie Ritter (and Heavy Furs if you already have Lonnie).

Don't get upset if you miss on Thieves Kit from Underworld deck, or your assets from your main deck in the beginning. We are so heavy on skills which will give us great tempo in the first turns anyway, while helping us cycle our deck.

After you setup, we'll be testing at good base and , and supporting them with lots of wild icons.

We'll find ourselves discarding to the hand size pretty often because we'll draw more than we commit regularly. It's a better problem to have than running out of gas if you ask me. (That's why Lucky Cigarette Case is a bit overkill and can be replaced with some xp)

Why? (Card Choices)

Thieves' Kit over Lockpicks: Doesn't need xp, gives rebates, doesn't exhaust. But most importantly, changes testing skill to so more of your skills are commitable. (We are going to cut Perception after earning some more xp)

Lonnie Ritter (+ Heavy Furs) instead of other allies: We have 1 , therefore theoretically infinite soak is amazing. Of course she can't save you from Frozen in Fear, save your skills for those. (You can also include "You handle this one!" in the deck.)

Disguise: Useless in some scenarios, but repeatable "stun" effect is very valuable to have in others.

"I'll take that!": You are resource hungry in the beginning, this can help you a little bit. Also since you want to play a lot of assets, this can save you an action in the meanwhile.

Wini instead of Finn: Better stats and better card draw. But Finn can also pull this build off, extra action is very valuable.

Why not?

Other weapons over Switchblade: Very cheap, doesn't cost an action to play, repeatable (and achievable) 2 damage per action. I suggest putting Haste in the deck before trying to replace Switchblade with another weapon. It can definitely carry you until the end.

More weapons in the Underworld deck: I found that a single Switchblade is enough even if you don't find it in the first four turns. You can get by with your high agility in the worst case. Treating the Underworld deck as a toolbox proved to be great in my test runs.

Future Upgrades

Easy Mark x3 for better resource generation and card cycle. Remove Emergency Cache x2 and Faustian Bargain x1

Pickpocketing x2 again for better resource generation, and it saves and action which is great because you have a heavy setup. Replaces the 0 xp ones.

Momentum x2, great skill for very little xp. Remove Perception

High Roller x1, helps you even beat tests with help of your skills. Remove a Heavy Furs.

Delilah O'Rourke x1 and Garrote Wire x1 for actionless damage dealing. (Also take Charisma to field both Delilah and Lonnie at the same time.) Remove a Lonnie Ritter and a Lucky Cigarette Case.

Haste x1 for boss killing. Replace the other Faustian Bargain.

At this moment I would count the build as complete (total 29 xp), but here are some luxury suggestions:

Thieves' Kit(it is ok but a bit expensive xp wise), Another Day, Another Dollar, Opportunist, Counterespionage, Breaking and Entering, Moxie, Ace in the Hole, All In, Copycat, Lola Santiago, Sure Gamble, Relic Hunter, The Red Clock, The Gold Pocket Watch, The Skeleton Key.

Starting Deck

Since Underworld Market increases your deck size by 10, your starting deck will look a lot different. I would start with this.

It won't be as good at fighting, but clues you'll discover fine.

Get Underworld Market first, Switchblade second, Dirty Fighting last.

The End

Thanks for reading so far, all feedback is welcome. Have fun!