⌂ 2 Packs Deck Guide : Misfortune Foresight

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

5argon · 8947

Rex team up with Alyssa Graham (instead of Dr. Milan Christopher) to get ahead of his impending misfortune!

Take the lead investigator role, see if enemy is going to spawn on you with Alyssa Graham, then reposition and prepare to sprint ahead to location where news await with Think on Your Feet. This is a team up of and cards.

You can make even more distance with Shortcut, put down Barricade so enemy can't catch up to you. Reveal a lot of locations with your movement and pump Hyperawareness for Deciphered Reality. Finally, you can work until the last drop anywhere and fly back home calling your news copter.

► About "2 Packs Deck Guide"
 A series of decks made with the new distribution model in mind, requiring a Revised Core Set box + just 1 more Investigator Expansion box. ⌂ character on the deck's name means the additional box it uses is The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion.
 It maximizes the chance of newcomers being able to build and learn to play the game, enjoying the story on Standard difficulty ASAP. They can then get into deck-building later if they wished to do so. See other decks in the "2 Packs Deck Guide" series here.

Upgrade guide

 Cost  Total
   Magnifying Glass    Magnifying Glass 1 XP 1 XP
   Magnifying Glass    Magnifying Glass 1 XP 2 XP
   Seeking Answers    Seeking Answers •• 2 XP 4 XP
   Old Book of Lore    Old Book of Lore ••• 3 XP 7 XP
   Old Book of Lore    Old Book of Lore ••• 3 XP 10 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 12 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 14 XP
   Unexpected Courage  →  Deciphered Reality ••••• 5 XP 19 XP
   Unexpected Courage  →  Deciphered Reality ••••• 5 XP 24 XP
Extra 24 XP
    →  Higher Education ••• ••• 6 XP 30 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)

Dunwich Campaign's XP stinkiness is no joke! You may not even get to 24 XP on your first try. So, this upgrade plan is actually not that empty.

When playing Dunwich campaign, you may want to add Charisma so you can have Alyssa Graham and the NPC character you get in the story at the same time. Since it is a campaign-specific plan, I didn't include Charisma in the Side Deck.

2 Packs Team Compositions

2 Packs Deck Guide : The Dunwich Legacy series is now complete with the following decks :

To help assembling a party made entirely from just 2 packs, I have a tool that let you browse team compositions for 2 players, 3 players, and 4 players, that has manageable amount of card overlaps or even none at all. The result is sorted from low to high overlaps. Click here to see all team comps.

About Lead Investigator

In Mythos Phase, you must start drawing from the lead investigator going clockwise. ("player order") This deck's Alyssa Graham + Think on Your Feet tech works its fullest if Rex know he is going to draw the enemy he just saw. So try to be the lead as much as possible.

Card tips

Magnifying Glass

The pick up ability can be used when you are playing with 2x Magnifying Glass but suddenly Old Book of Lore (3) came and you want to temporarily switch to it until its 2 secrets are all used up.\

Sometimes you need boost on non-Investigate test. In that case you can pick it up and commit away for +1 if passing means a lot to you.

Deciphered Reality •••••

Don't forget the regular 1 clue picking of this Investigate action, before you pick 1 each from each location including the current location. (So you get 2 minimum from the current location.)

Also Rex's can even pick up 1 more.

This card's cost makes it hard to play in addition to its effect, but luckily he can use that icon just fine to get his ability going every round.

Old Book of Lore •••

Rex wants to use his once each round. So he is also indirectly incentivized to distribute his workload, waiting for the next round to investigate for 2 clues again. (Especially if there are exactly 2 clues left.) This sort of card make good use of his remaining actions.

You can tutor yourself (pick up some useful Skill cards like Inquiring Mind), or tutor your friends for anything. If someone played Rogue with Exceptional card, getting that 1x copy out may decide the victory of scenario.

You can use Alyssa Graham to peek at any investigator's top card to aid the decision to use for this. Rex is not Daisy Walker, reading book isn't free!

It is still infinitely usable like the 0 XP version, even when out of secrets.

Inquiring Mind

This card can get oversuccess for Rex's even on 4 shroud (put down Magnifying Glass and Alyssa Graham too).

But the real power of this card is to commit for others. There is no "commit only to test you perform" on this card. Combined with game rule that let you commit only 1 card to someone else, this card can get unlikely stats to the passing zone miraculously. (For example, getting "Skids" O'Toole's 2 to pass Frozen in Fear check.)

"I've got a plan!"

This card will not see much use since you are busy moving and getting clues, and accuracy is not boosted by Magnifying Glass. (Alyssa Graham is able to boost it.)

But I believe new players are eager to perform many tasks as opposed to only focus on the primary task. This card make you feel giddy holding it much more than the classic Mind over Matter. I think they are worth keeping to the end, even if not very efficient. (We play games for fun!)


Because of Rex's over-success mechanics, pump is not bad. On average you would have 1x Magnifying Glass and 1x Alyssa Graham on you for 6 . This value looks good, but only allows -1 to activate bonus clue on 3 shroud. Throwing in 1 resource will improve the chance greatly on Standard, especially when the special symbols are equivalent to -2.

Deciphered Reality is expensive to play, but if you have spare resources, it would love some pumps as it has very high reward.

pump is also good for Rex's 3 to get a comfortable Evade against 2 enemy.

Think on Your Feet

If you are going to move to the next location but you are out of action for this round, you are risking your plan to be ruined by enemy spawn in Mythos Phase, normally you would be hindered down and you choose how to resolve it among your teammates.

With this card, not only you prevents that, you also gain extra "tempo" because you move to where you are going to anyway. You are not just moving to survive. (Watch this to understand tempo : HOW TO WIN ARKHAM HORROR: THE CARD GAME | Understanding Tempo )

"I'm outta here!"

VP location are often optional and out of the main path, and have you worry if you should just safely pass the scenario using Resign option. With this card, you can really go out there to grab extra Victory Point and just fly home if it turns out you can't make it in time due to bad token draws.

Of course only works in Resign scenario, but at least it also has which Rex can use to get to 5 .

Game rule states that you must drop all your clues when performing Resign, the same as when you are defeated. (So it is bad if you are defeated on a VP location that had been cleaned up.) With this card, you must also drop all your clues, but you can do it on any location you like. There is a "bug" in Dunwich's The House Always Wins scenario related to this rule, and this card can fix the bug. Please try to figure it out on your own what I am talking about!