Evasive Underworld Alchemist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Dexter Casts Bolts With His Pentacle|20k Series|Deck Guide 133 81 20 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

fistofyogsothoth · 37

I feel like this deck has potential but it's not quite working. Over half way through Innsmouth it's doing ok but not quite managing to get all the moving parts out at once. Perhaps it's too complicated. Sometimes it does amazing multi-attack/evade combos but I often don't manage to get all the right cards out at the right time. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

It was mainly based on the evasion deck linked above but underworld market and the guns are the big changes. It's for multiplayer but I'd love to get a solo version working.

How would you remake this deck from scratch?


Jul 27, 2023 arkham-becons · 50

Hi fistofyogsothoth,

thanks for posting your deck and looking for feedback! Here are some thoughts I have when looking at the list.

  • You have a lot of one-of spells with broad focus
  • There are very few cards which help you draw cards and generate resources

Because this deck looks like it is supposed to focus on fighting and making use of Dirty Fighting I'd include the following key cards:

Good luck!

Jul 27, 2023 HungryColquhoun · 3848

Hey I like the idea. Would definitely agree with @arkham-becons on going up to 2 x Dirty Fighting. Generally I would evade with one of your hand slots (using and Onyx Pentacle/Sword Cane), but keep .25 Automatic too and fight with Shrivelling and Brand of Cthugha. You can have Clairvoyance or your choice for clue finding to make you flexy. Molly Maxwell is great for tutoring out talents, so I'd use her to find Dirty Fighting, you could consider Friends in Low Places/Word of Command if you want more tutoring but that might be overkill.

Fast assets are nice (I had a deck about this a while ago - link) here) as you can play your slow assets over the top of these (Sword Cane, Onyx Pentacle) as fast with your ability. I wouldn't worry about Sign Magick, as with Dirty Fighting you can get a free fight action in anyway (it's not exactly the same, but it's similar action economy - especially with the .25 Automatic).

For resources I would steer clear of Alchemical Transmutation and make this simpler - Easy Mark, Emergency Cache, Voice of Ra. Easy Mark in particular is nice as it also is a cantrip.

Maybe something like this (I've added switch blade but didn't squeeze in much more): arkhamdb.com

Molly can tutor out both Divination and the Sword Cane (Relic and Augury) so that's a good reason to use her.

I guess the risk is you fail your evade, and then that's a sunk action you could have used just to blast away - I'd not sure what the solution is to that yet!