Wendy Adams Solos the Casino

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Riski · 8

(Two roles picked for the scenario was The Thief and The Grifter, can't seem to find them on the deck builder)

A solo Wendy deck for a solo Fortune and Folly run I did. I had recently got the scenario but no one was around so decided to first play it solo as everyone's favourate fortune manlipulating orphan. Ended up winning with no additional rewards which considering I didn't understand the mechanics going in was pretty good and it was a blast so I would recomend playing this scenario. Deck is a pretty simple Flare deck with some combat options incase of elites (although I ended up with 0 kills) and the usual Wendy good stuff.

Muligain for Flare, allies and resources and you should be good, even though it was made for a solo standalone run I would say this can be adapted into a general solo build or a multiplayer build. While I want to share this how it was played I do have some advice, I would recomend cutting Take Heart as 3 intelect (4 with Granny Orne) makes it a bit hard to trigger intentionally and Flashlight is an option over Old Keyring if you don't feel like being stingy on resources and just want the additonal uses. Finally cut any combonation of Fire Axe, Backstab or Sneak Attack if you have more players or if you know you don't need to kill anything yourself (although keeping some as backup never hurts).


Aug 17, 2024 K_oroviev · 132

Hey! I’d like to try out the deck but I don’t have TSK investigator expansion. What would you replace Kicking the Hornet's Nest and Breaking and Entering with?

Aug 17, 2024 Riski · 8

I'd personally go for 2x Cunning Distraction, another Lockpicks and Will to Survive (or any other generically good 3 xp card). I never ended up playing Kicking the Hornet's Nest in either of the mysteries for this so I can't say how good it is here (although I wasn't lacking in clues or resources and whenever I run it in decks I rarely end up playing it) but Breaking and Entering is quite a loss. I've tried to come up with subitutes which help deal with enemy swarms and clue gathering.

If you don't like Cunning Distraction Survival Instinct is another good option (I wouldn't go for Elusive just because you have a similar effect in Cat Burglar and often want to stay around a location to pick up clues) however Cunning Distraction does have very good icons so despite its cost it rarely bricks. Meanwhile Lockpicks can be replaced by its level 0 version or even just Flashlight to free up more xp elsewhere. As for Will to Survive replacements, Lucky! is a good option if you don't mind replacing the level 0 version with something else or Aquinnah or another good ally. Alternatively if you're doing a standalone exile cards are very good such as Stroke of Luck even if they don't fill out the xp perfectly.