
This card is, I think, deceptively good. Much like Inquiring Mind its effectively a conditional 3 wild icons with a hoop to jump through- if you want better than Unexpected Courage, you need to earn it. Having three science or tool assets is theoretically a meaningful condition, but lets dig into it.

For starters, Darrell Simmons and Kate Winthrop will probably always be taking this over Unexpected Courage. They start with tool/science assets in play, so its a no-brainer. But for everyone else we need to start asking: what is the cost of getting Science or Tool assets on the board? Even just with Hemlock Vale and a Revised Core, this isn't going to be tough. Magnifying Glass or its upgrade stand out most here as cheap, highly effective Tool assets. Chemistry Set, Ravenous Myconid and Steady-Handed provide good options too.

Those with a bigger collection though will want to look to Scarlet Keys: Empirical Hypothesis is the standout here, but an upgraded Fingerprint Kit or more niche cards like Alchemical Distillation, Lab Coat or Surgical Kit are also worth considering as options.

Tool and Science aren't traits with a terribly deep card pool, and that might make Well-Funded seem limited in its usage. It is fortunate, then, that the traits it covers contain some of the cheapest, most effective assets in the Seeker arsenal, even from level 0. So don't worry about it! Go down to Miskatonic University, ask them to give you a research grant to study the local fishmen population, and show them your hypothesis under a couple of magnifying glasses. When you run into trouble, comfort yourself with the knowledge you have so, so much grant money.

A8mew · 8
Stir the Pot

This is a terrible upgrade. The level zero version is great. It is a weak dynamite that doesn't hurt you or your allies and includes an optional elusive at the end. I've done 14 damage with the level zero version.

Sure, this can do a lot more damage with the upgrade, but the test will be much more difficult and it is only better in boss fights. I fear this was priced at 5xp based on what it could do, not what it will do in 99% of scenarios.

Oweldon · 39
Likely unchained to 2xp total. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Nah, level 4 or 5 is appropriate. Sure, most of the time it will just be a Dynamite Blast, but it's also a boss nuke that comes with a free getaway. It will rarely be a dead card and can trivialize some boss fights. — Hylianpuffball · 29
Can we just appreciate the linked flavor text on the two cards? — Ensign53 · 3
Stir The — Telosa · 55
Stir The Pot (5) is fine. Stir The Pot (0) is better for the first half of a campaign when enemies still do relatively low amounts of damage. Stir The Pot (5) is great when later scenarios in a campaign start to overwhelm you with swarms of enemies or enemies that do upwards of 4-6 combined damage/horror. Just delay buying this upgrade unless you know you need it for an upcoming scenario and you'll be fine. — Telosa · 55
How is the test much more difficult with the upgraded version? Isn't the test exactly the same and just the output bigger? — Elfaron · 1
In theory, the test is the same, but in practical gameplay this isn't the case. — JWitjes · 1
Follow-up from my previous post: Since Stir the Pot (0) always does 2 damage, you will often simply pick the enemy with the lowers damage/horror value to do 2 damage to everything with an easy (potentially even 0) test. Meanwhile, to use Stir the Pot (5) to its full potential, you have to pick the most difficult test. In fact, if you use the same method you might even end up doing less damage than the lvl.0 version, which is kinda wild. — JWitjes · 1
Yeah, StP(0) is great, I don't see a world where I would buy the 5xp version. In order for this to be worth the 5xp, you at least want it to double the damage output, meaning you double de test difficulty too. And only boss fight is what unlocks this damage output (non-Elite ennemy are unlikely to inflict 2/2, which is the bare minimum you want). What would save this upgrade is "choose an ennemy" switching to "choose any ennemies". They are all fighting with each other at the end after all... — LegoKurow · 2
Baseball Bat

Do I understand correctly that the second option is only valid for tokens? It would've been kind of nice if the card said "the attacked enemy takes 1 damage" in order to make the attack sort-of-autofail-proof, with is in line with Survivor identity. As it stands, if you're playing this card, chances are you're running some amount of recursion so it's not really worth the xp cost over the base version, imo.

tinybreeder · 22
You could still ipick the second option for the autofail if you want to run something like Oops. — zrayak · 86
Clarity of Mind

I think this card is fine particularly with Akachi Onyele in 2-handed solo*.

I dont think your going to use all the charges on this card (1 or 2) will probably do the trick (as that's 3 actions). Its not always helpful but losing a turn (2 or 3 actions) to not lose a gator seems worthwhile in a scenario that is spamming horror.

You dont have to wait until youre on the brink to use the card if you are in a scenario that is pressing a series of horror attacks threatening one of your gators you can be proactive (as you may need to replace the arcane slot later).

Again I particularly like this with Akachi Onyele as you can get one or two uses out of the card and than moves the charges to Angered Spirits or swap the card back out with Spirit-Speaker

I dont think the Arcane slots are that big of an issue as you have 2. Simply replace this with the card you need or replace the Arcane slot thats least helpful/empty with this card late game if you are desperate for healing.

Some cards that work well with this card: Prophetic, Uncage the Soul, Torrent of Power...comboing some of these cards trivializes the downside of the card (2-cost and slotting). If some of those cards are already in your deck this add isnt half bad.

Since this is a level 0 card its an easy replacement later on in the campaign: Earthly Serenity.

note: I am still fairly new to the game and providing the review from the perspective of a primarily 2-handed solo player - so take the review with that in mind.

IceHot42 · 2
Task Force

I really love this card for Carson, but also generally for any Guardian who may have some downtime and and spare resources. Carson's ability has generally shown that giving actions to someone else is pretty powerful when yours are less useful. This gives 3 actions to someone else for 2 resources 2 actions and a card. Its perfectly fine for a level 0 card. The true value here is in getting extra value out of Safeguard 0, because it turns giving a move to someone else, moving both of you. But beware that Safeguard 2 has different text and won't work here. I've personally always held that I just don't think the Safeguard upgrade is rarely useful. Safeguard 0 lets you manipulate movement outside of the allied player's turn. So if you're abusing Shortcut 0 or this, or Carson's extra action, or a few other things, disincentivises upgrading Safeguard.

I can see upgrading out of this of course. Its probably not lasting until the end of the campaign. But if you were taking Scene of the Crime, or Evidence, you may want to consider this. This is a sneaky +2 action total card, and worth consideration if you have the money.

I found Sled Dogs a sleeper hit with Carson, the free action trigger with task force was icing on the cake for a crazy round of damage. — Calprinicus · 6018
This does make a great alternative for Scene Of The Crime, but Evidence is fast, which makes it a cut above either one… — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1264
You guys are defeating enemies to use Evidence with Carson? O_O — MarTom · 2