Buenos Aires

If you already hated Wizard of the Order and friends, you're going to really hate Buenos Aires.

Slight spoilers, but this location was probably designed to try to weaken the slightly cheesy strategy of waiting until you have as many locations as you need out and cleared of clues before playing Relic of Ages and advancing the agenda. Not terribly surprising, as Heart of the Elders also has some changes to prevent similar cheese.

Zinjanthropus · 229
Eldritch Initiation

A basic analysis would say you need to draw at least 3, probably 4 to make this even worth considering. You spend an action to play this card, this card itself is lost, and you pay 1 resource (worth approx. 0.5 to 1 action). If you only draw 2 or less, you probably wouldve been better off just using the draw card action.

You can't choose to discard weaknesses so its not useful on that front either. Low arcane slot mystics is currently a rare archetype but obviously pairs with Binder's Jar and Explosive Ward.

Might find a home in Amina Zidane since she doesn't have the willpower for the typical spells, or a Dragon Pole Lily Chen deck? I think at the moment it might be a bit too hard to setup for too little payoff.

fates · 54
Sefina with the jar or Astral Mirror? — MrGoldbee · 1470
Remember that you can discard other cards than the ones you drew. This means you can cycle through your deck, looking for the best card in your current situation. Still not great, though. — andreasskovse · 15
Agent Fletcher

One of the easier enemy weaknesses to deal with.

Kymani's 3/2/2/5 statline already encourages them to handle everything with their , especially as their expansion comes with Thieves' Kit. Delilah O'Rourke, Lola Santiago and Gené Beauregard - all good allies for Kymani - offer static boosts. All Rogue pay-to-boost Assets (Moxie, Hard Knocks, Streetwise, also Well Connected and High Roller in a more roundabout way) can boost their . Having to do the second evasion with 0 is more a mild annoyance than a true obstacle.

If you want to deal with him more directly, his 2 Fight is laughable even for someone with below average like Kymani. Punching him with the on Dirty Fighting is testing at +2 and softens him up for the second evade. There's also the fact that Kymani can Backstab this guy at +3 even without boosts.

You already have plenty of 0XP options (Backstab, saving your icons for the second evade, just evading him once at +2, the sweet spot on Standard, and leaving him to the combat specialist) to get rid of him. Adding XP just make him even easier to handle. If anything, in my personal experience he eats resources (3-cost Backstab and other pay-to-boost- effects) more than actions, but Rogues have no lack of either.

I guess the only thing going for him is that you can see him twice or more during a scenario if you run enough draw, which is very possible with double Pickpocketing and Lucky Cigarette Cases.

koaexe · 29
Ornate Bow also does quick work with him. — AlderSign · 309
Martyr's Vambrace

"Let me handle this!" in asset form. I think it's pretty good for the right characters that are aiming to tank for their team.

Most guardians have good agility and will so they're moderately if not good at defending against the encounter deck. The only downside is that they have low sanity...but this provides some protection on that front.

2 health and 2 sanity soak for 2 resource is pretty reasonable. Accessory isn't particularly in high demand for guardians, the immediate comparison for me would be Holy Rosary. Both cost 2 and give 2 sanity soak, but this also gives 2 health soak, let's you take other players encounters and gives +1 to all skills instead of just will. On the flip side, it costs 1 more exp, you can't actively use the willpower outside of mythos, and you don't have a chance of getting bless tokens. Seems like a fair trade off.

You could probably use this in a variety of investigators but someone like Tommy, Zoey, Roland, Carolyn or Mark would probably be most interested in it. Zoey can get resources for engaging enemies, Roland can kill enemies for his passive, mark gets stuff for wounding his assets and Carolyn can heal herself up easily.

fates · 54
I agree that brings some value with drawing other players encounter cards and getting +1 on revelation skill checks, but regarding health & sanity #Hallowed Mirror sees a lot of use in my tanky decks to heal <h6>any</h6> player, my https://arkhamdb.com/card/01028 or my https://arkhamdb.com/card/09034 . — Eternity · 1
Martyr's Vambrace

So this works like Taunt when another investigator draws a monster?

Seems very good in two player if that is the case.

Blah blah is this two hundred characters yet?............apparently not, but maybe it is now?