Finn Edwards Underworld Market (Scarlet Keys)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DeadGuy · 76

All-rounder solo deck optimized for The Scarlet Keys campaign.

The following cards go to the Underworld Market deck:


Mulligan for assets: Lone Wolf, Lucky Cigarette Case, Fox Mask, Track Shoes. Try to get a weapon, a Bank Job or an "I'll take that!" from the market for your setup. Finn can reliably find clues with his base stats in a first few rounds, so I would rather get a weapon first.

  • Enemy handling (4/5):

    We rely mostly on evasion, but the deck can deal out 4-8 damage in a round as well. You can get .25 Automatic and Finn's Trusty .38 from the market. An ideal boss fight sequance would be to evade with Blur, then play a weapon with "I'll take that!" or Sleight of Hand, react on it with Dirty Fighting, than shoot 4 times with 7 strength. Hatchet Man can also help delaing with enemies with 3 health.

  • Clue finding (4/5):

    We play solo, so we mostly have to get 1-2 clues from a location. Which means that Lockpicks is usually enough for us. We can also boost lore to 6 with Fox Mask or Perception. Kicking the Hornet's Nest is also a testless clue getting card with resource generation, where we can easily handle the enemy with an evade. It's also worth to add Streetwise to the deck in the second half of the campaign, but it's not mandatory.

  • Economy (5/5)

  • Treachery Handling (2/5)

    Finn's main weakness is the 1 willpower base stat. We can compensate the sanity damage with Peter Sylvestre While Lucky! can help to get rid of Frozen in Fear. We also get a story asset early in the game which helps with the few willpower tests we must pass, so it's not an issue. You can also add "You handle this one!" for multiplayer instead of Lucky!.

Additional upgrades:

Pickpocketing is a good card, especially the upgraded one. But it's quite lackluster in Scarlet Keys because it cannot be used after expose. So it's worth to swap out. The second Bank Job and Smuggled Goods could replace them in the market deck. Easy Mark, Scout Ahead, Sleight of Hand goes under Bewitching.

  • 3 XP Another Day, Another Dollar - a copy or two can help with the setup
  • 6 XP Streetwise - a good way to dump extra resources for evade and investigate . I would only buy it near to the end of the game, because the deck can work without it.