Roland Doesn't Care About Chaos Bag When Gathering Clues

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Zuntir · 613

With this deck i wanted to highlight Roland's potential to ignore chaos bag almost entirely when it comes to gaining clues. His cardpool having cards from both Guardian and Seeker classes combined with signature ability allows for some easy, bagless investigating.

This build works really well in solo and duo play, i don't have much experience playing in larger groups but i suppose with a bit of tweaking Roland could work as an off-clue gatherer that can take care of himself.

Choice of cards:

  • .32 Colt and .45 Automatic - 4 weapons in total, enough to have one in opening hand or soon after. I chose .32 Colt for purely thematic reasons, feel free to swap it with omnipresent Machete. Vicious Blow helps survive those times when weapon is nowhere to be found or to finish off beefier enemy.

  • For those times when conventional investigating is needed we have Flashlight, Magnifying Glass could also work but since this build is for solo/duo play Flashlight's supplies should be enough and almost auto success on <2 shroud locations is much better than Magnifying Glass' speed and lower cost.

  • Allies are horror shields for Roland in the first place, Art Student supports also theme of testless clue gathering. Laboratory Assistant may be surprising choice instead of the usual Beat Cop, but she keeps cost curve low and help dig for key cards at the moment. Roland's economy is quite bad and that's the least we can do to improve it. Both allies with their enter play abilities combine well with Calling in Favors.

  • Working a Hunch, Mysteries Remain and Scene of the Crime are centerpieces of the deck. Especially Scene of the Crime is MVP. To get the most value out of this card there are two supporting tricks - On the Hunt is a pretty obvious one, draw an enemy - get two clues. Enter Shortcut - after clearing location with Scene of the Crime you can reposition to another location with enemy on your back and finish him off for another clue using Roland's ability. Also when you drew an enemy but your location has no clues on it you can move with Shortcut before playing Scene of the Crime - it's fast so doesn't count as an action.

  • Logical Reasoning and Guts are for crucial sanity checks and managing horror. Eureka! is another draw card along with Laboratory Assistant to grab crucial cards.

  • Prepared for the Worst and Perception are flexible slots they can be swapped for Fine Clothes or Evidence!.


These are cards that i buy using my first points of experience and they have highest priority in my opinion.


Jun 30, 2018 The_Wall · 286

Good showcase of Roland's current capabilities.

I know your choice of guns is thematic but I'd vastly prefer Survival Knife as one of your two picks because it makes an ideal second weapon and is also excellent in multiples. I'd replace the .45 Automatic because you want to be spending a lot of resources to auto-clue and the expenditure and lower ammo feels like you'd be squandering the tempo you've accrued.

Agreed that Perception is a pretty bad choice alongside your auto-clues and lack of Cover Up. My choice for a replacement would be Dodge as another option for Stick to the Plan.

I also like Dr. William T. Maleson as a possible replacement for Laboratory Assistant. If you go down this route then On the Hunt loses a lot of its value. How much does it really help in solo anyway?

Jun 30, 2018 Zuntir · 613

Good call on Survival Knife, it's a fantastic weapon.

Dodge is great to put under Stick to the Plan, i'd also consider Emergency Cache or Ever Vigilant if you choose to keep guns as weapons as they're more expensive.

I don't really like Dr. William T. Maleson to be honest. He's great damage/horror shield but i very rarely use his ability whereas Laboratory Assistant works upon entering play and refills your hand with options, no need to spend clicks on drawing cards.

In solo play On the Hunt helped me a lot, comboing it with Scene of the Crime and Shortcut to potentially clear two locations in one round feels great but i also used it when Roland was low on sanity and i had no horror soak - in that case i'd rather draw an enemy than risk drawing treachery like Rotting Remains or similar.

Jul 02, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

I would replace the Eureka's with something else, unless you've tested it out, and ill tell you why: Eureka has three icons, two of which Roland won't be using often. It has Will, which Roland admittedly likes for Mythos testing. It has Evade, which Roland, as a guardian with 2 evade base and a reason to defeat enemies, isn't using. And it has Investigate, which the theme of this deck is to avoid chaos bag to investigate. The card doesn't seem to fit this deck/character. If you have tested it and it works, then great, but otherwise I would replace it with something else. Evidence! could be a solid contender, or Inquiring mind, since Roland likes to fight on clues (Or Mysteries remain/The Dirge of Reason can give you clues to fight on.). Charles Ross, Esq. is also worth a mention; every turn he gives you a stacking discount on items. (Check the faq). Otherwise a pretty nice deck.

Jul 03, 2018 Zuntir · 613

Eureka is certainly replaceable, i used it mainly with Flashlight on <=2 shroud locations or as a backup willpower icon for test like Rotting Remains. But your suggestions are viable as well, Evidence! being especially good in conjunction with Roland's ability to clear 2 clues by defeating en enemy. Haven't tried Charles Ross, Esq. at all yet so can't comment on that.

Jul 30, 2018 Tiltowait · 20

Just came across this deck. Nice job. A humble suggestion: Dynamite Blast though costly, works wonders. Roland does not have to be in the same room as the monster he defeats to trigger his clue special. Add a Evidence! to round out a room clearing 2 clue combo that doesn’t draw from the bag.

Jul 31, 2018 Zuntir · 613

@TiltowaitThank you for your kind words. Dynamite Blast is a wonderful suggestion! I forgot you can nuke a connecting location as well. Definitely taking one copy in multiplayer.