"Get over here!"

This card is underappreciated. Even if it doesn't boost damage, it gives up to 3 actions, doesn't trigger attack of opportunity and can make you move a monster on a location of your choice to give you some advantages or to benefit from the presence of an ally.

Also, if you have an ally (probably Seeker) that is trying to gather clues but got an enemy from the encounter deck, you can pull that enemy from him.

Last, but not least this card helps alot with Aloof enemies. You engage and fight them in one action. Aloof enemies with 1 HP dies in one action instead of 2.

I find this card especially useful in my 2 investigators runs when you may want to split to cover more ground while still protecting the other investigator.

LEKO · 6
I doubted a lot between this and One Two Punch for the 5th card in my latest Lily deck, and I agree with you, this card is situational but when it works, it really gives one of these « yeah » moments that feel so good in this game. — Valentin1331 · 73726
Pocket Multi Tool

For 2 XP □ Pry Bar + □ Detachable combo is a bargain. I rarely get to use my Pocket Multi Tool in my own turn anymore since everyone else wants to take the pry bar to fix their problem in the Mythos Phase. +2 is the magic number.

Even after all had survived the Mythos Phase without exhausting my Pocket Multi Tool, "skill test on a treachery" still includes threat area treachery like a Forced check on Frozen in Fear. Some that required an just to try a test has synergy with □ Detachable since anyone could try anyone else's threat area with their own stat and take the pry bar adding to it, giving more turn order flexibility. My party is prying everything with this dang bar, from defending against lightning strike to prying evil spirit away from possessing my partner. Supposed if pry bar has one more □ like the other +1 customs I still wouldn't complain.

5argon · 10729
Forget some outer godly flute, that pry bar is the real ruler of the mythos — Nenananas · 258
+Tool belt fun. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Custom Modifications

There’s an interesting synergy with the Old Hunting Rifle here. Normally, fighters don’t plan on taking too many shots that have a chance to miss due to the value of ammo tokens on weapons, making the ability to reroll base tokens relatively redundant short of canceling the worst non auto fail token.

With the Old Hunting Rifle though, firing it normally can be quite a crapshoot due to skulls jamming the weapon and screwing you out of a shot at the worst possible time. The ability to reroll said skulls is a godsend in this situation, making it a lot more reliable.

As of right now, there’s two classes that can have level 2 guardian access that also have access to the Rifle: William Yorick and Lola Hayes. Lola is effectively out due to not being able to use the rifle and trigger the reaction on custom modifications together, which leaves our favorite gravedigger. Said gravedigger is normally somewhat at a loss for high damage firearms, but there’s a second synergy available to him: Quicksilver bullets and Will to Survive.

The 3 or more condition on Quicksilver Bullets is usually a bit of an ask. But what if, say, you had a turn in which you didn’t need to pull any tokens? Preload the rifle with some Extra Ammunition, throw a Police Badge at the nearest boss enemy, and you’ll be able to dish out 20 health worth of damage in a single turn, and that’s discounting recursion shenanigans with the Badge.

The biggest downside to this is that Yorick is a bit short on reloading events, and as custom modifications is an event, it doesn’t mesh well with his usual play style of plucking a freshly loaded gun off the nearest warm corpse; apparently servants of the mythos only buy mass produced gear. It’s still worth considering to load up for a big boss kill though.

Jarell88 · 19
Venturer is endless ammo in yorick if you can afford it, best to use alongside a team that can benefit from it too. — Zerogrim · 295
Another way to prolong the fun is with Well Maintained, that also brings back the Custom Mods to your hand — Valentin1331 · 73726
Regarding Lola Hayes. She technically can use both Hunting Rifle and Custom Mod together. You have to start “survivor” activate the Hunting Rifle’s Action then use Lola’s “fast” action to swap to “guardian” during the skill test (same time where you commit cards). This would make lola a guardian when the chaos token is drawn. — Daerthalus · 16
Lola only needs to be in Guardian to activate the token cancel. The rest is a property of custom modifications and takes effect regardless. — Lailah · 1
Can't Daniela also take this convo? Although obviously she only gets the token cancelling effect, and at that point is it much better then heavy furs? — Shanba · 1
Accursed Follower

This is one of my least favorite weaknesses in the game.

Not that Accursed Follower is particularly tough. On the contrary; he has basically zero immediate impact, which is a very good thing in a weakness. It will take a good amount of time for the Curses to have any noticeable impact on the scenario; if you draw him later on there's every chance that the scenario will end before the Curses swing a single test. Occasionally he can have vicious interactions with Mysterious Chanting or something like that, but that's not too common. Plus there are a wide variety player cards that benefit from his Curses.

No, what I dislike about this card are the severe memory issues it causes. This guy spawns as far away as possible on the map and never moves or really does anything consequential. It's like he's designed for you to forget about him. And so almost unfailingly, at some point in the scenario someone in my group will end up saying, "wait, we forgot to put a Curse in the bag last turn. Hmm, how many turns have we forgotten about him?" Honestly, I can barely remember Sister Mary's investigator ability when I play her--and the designers expect me to remember this guy adding a Curse at the end of the enemy phase on the other side of map? Not happening.

CaiusDrewart · 3177
We had the same problem, and started stacking the curse tokens on top of the encounter deck, so they get into the bag at least in mythos phase. — Susumu · 371
its a bit late in the design now, but it would be nice if cards with forced effects had like a clear symbol that caught your eye, those bold six letters just aren't enough sometimes. — Zerogrim · 295
Baseball Bat

The lv0 Baseball Bat has always been a really solid weapon. +2 Combat, + 1 damage, and unlimited* uses at only 2 resources is an insane bargain, even with 2 hand slots. Of course, it's not really unlimited, since it can break on any attack. But Survivor's have enough flexible recursion that if it does break, it's easily retrieved again. As long as you don't do like 2-3 attacks every turn, it should last you the entire game. A perfect weapon for a fighter on the side (or William Yorick).

But that's kinda were its main drawbacks surface. A flex investigator usually wants to keep that second hand free for clues or other support. And this lv2 version doesn't really fix that problem. Instead though, it fixes the other problem: it makes it more reliable for main fighters. You don't have to waste too many recursions on this one as you can choose to just return it to your hand, or if you have plenty of recursion left, you can still discard it for that extra damage, and most enemies will be defeated by that single hit, giving you time to retrieve it.

Ultimately, the argument you have to make as to whether this is a good upgrade or not is if you believe it's worth investing XP towards a backup plan for a particular situation you're kinda hoping is not going to occur too often anyway. Otherwise, you just take/keep the lv0 version which - if you're lucky - does the exact same thing (and can actually be more flexibly be retrieved), and invest your XP towards something that's certainly gonna be useful whenever you draw it.

Also, can I just say it's kinda amusing that of all items, it's not the Lockpicks, the Thieves' Kit, the Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, Darrell's Kodak, Patrice's Violin, Jim's Trumpet, the Flute of the Outer Gods, the Dowsing Rod or any book that requires 2 hands; it's a freaking baseball bat.

Nenananas · 258