If Lola (or anyone in her party) draws Stubborn Detective as a weakness, she needs to get upgraded Rod ASAP and cast this on him. Of all the cards that can disable Detective's attacks so she can safely blank her restriction, this is the best:
- Handcuffs requires passing a test, plus an extra action for the base version.
- Existential Riddle needs a big hand or lots of money, plus Aloof isn't good as you will lose the Detective when you move. If you engage him, he will still attack you.
- Fend Off isn't a bad option though he attacks you first. Also if another gator drew the Detective as a weakness, either that gator needs to be able to take this card or Lola needs to be with that gator at all times until the Detective is drawn.
With Abyssal Rot and upgraded Rod of Carnamagos:
- As long as you can draw a , you can disable the Detective without needing to pass a test. Even if you don't, you can try again next turn. Or just use Favor of the Moon.
- so no Attack of Opportunity.
- If another gator drew the Detective as a weakness, you don't need to be at their location for this to work.
- "Cannot attack" is better than "Cannot ready" because game effects may mean the Detective can still attack you with the latter.
- The Rod's other Rot effects can still be used on other enemies so you're not getting it just for the Detective.
Who knew that a Rotten Detective would be the key to unlocking Lola's final form?