Azure Flame

A straight up competitor for Shrivelling!!

I think I personally prefer the horror suffering from Shrivelling, however as a campaign progresses the negative tokens will quickly outnumber positive tokens, especially on hard, so while Azure Flame is more dangerous, it is less likely to hurt you.

This is a brilliant card to replace or supplement Shrivelling in a spell based deck that does ALL of it's fighting with magic. It also means you can build a who is as likely as a to be able to fight completely routinely. Is the class the new ? If you have 2 copies of this and 2 copies of Shrivelling you might as well be!

Tsuruki23 · 2557
While it would have to be a pretty weird deck, you could maybe combo this with Shards of the Void and Crystalline Elder Sign to seal good tokens. — Zinjanthropus · 229
On easy and standard you could even play 2 Crystalline Elder Signs to seal +1 and the elder sign. — Django · 5108
Yeah, and there's no limit to how many 0s Shard of the Void can seal as far as I'm aware. — Zinjanthropus · 229
It also depends on the investigator. Diana with two "Arcane Research" would prefere the damage from the Flame to the horror from Shrivelling. — Susumu · 371
Grete Wagner

Roland's ability, the card!

Grete Wagner is super expensive, so not an autotake by any means, but the ability to turn killed enemies into clues is brilliant, if you have a powerful cash engine (such as by adding Stand Together and Clean Them Out) then you can run Grete plus a good weapon and not be completely broke, at which point you should be able to munch through enemies and rack up clues with her.

It's a brilliant Roland Banks card, it directly synergizes with his shtick. It's a great Mark Harrigan card, as the damage she takes is a card for Mark, All the characters really can use her, but I would like to say that she stands out perhaps exceptionally in a deck that has powerful economy to start with (Zoey, Leo, Tommy, where there is enough resources rolling around to pay for both her and the weapon of choice as fast as possible, Grete is useless if you cannot win fights!

Grete Wagner upgraded is also very good, especially for a Roland where the + is useful and the ranged-cluegetting synergizes with his base ability to become hyper-efficient at turning beaten enemies into clues.

Be aware that, like Roland Banks, the ability specifies that -you- must defeat the enemy to net the benefits.

Grete Wagner is good, but be careful about your resource economy.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
I think she's really great IN a Roland deck, as a replacement/supplement for Beat Cop; having better odds of reaching that lofty 5 Combat is great for Roland, and she only costs 1 more resource. I also really like doubling up his ability: if there's one clue on the location I'll use his ability and preserve Grete's health; If there are two I can snag them both; if there's one clue (and one enemy) on two locations I can kill the enemy, scoop the clue, kill the other enemy and scoop another clue. Efficient! — SGPrometheus · 821
Also worth noting that the 3XP upgrade to her gives you +1 intellect as well (marginally useful), but most importantly the ability to scoop a clue up off of a connecting location. Enemies don't always play ball with their locations, nor do shroud values. — BlankedyBlank · 23
Effective in Mark Harrigan to trigger card draw and Mark needs — Hulahoop12 · 1
It is interesting card to use for Mark to trigger up to 3 additional card draw and good alternative in solo Mark for clues (though there are less enemies). She can be used in an ideal deck/scenario, (mythos phase -> beat cop and soften enemy, investigate phase-> Grete Wagner and finish off enemy, Enemy phase-> Engage another enemy before that and take dmg, upkeep phase -> solemn vow ), Mark can draw up to 5 cards a turn! (and no need to discard end of turn) The upgrade though may not be so necessary for him (he doesn't really benefit +1 intellect, and he can reposition with shortcut). — Hulahoop12 · 1

This is much more of a standalone card than Counterpunch.

The fact that this card happens before the triggering attack means that you can use it to walk through weak enemies (and kill them in your stride) or safely engage and beat tough 5+ health foes (Say there's a 6-health enemy 1 location away, to kill it you need to hit it 3 times with your machete, but you only get 2 actions to attack it, this card will cover you for that last attack).

For a character that needs to play it safe, you can see this as more of a Dodge upgrade than Counterpunch upgrade, which might be good for deckbuilding reasons.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
Note that both versions of counterpunch trigger retaliate if you fail, as the enemy is not yet exhausted from it's attack in enemy phase. — Django · 5108
You can play it during enemy phase when they attack you. — KillyoxArkham · 1

This card is one that just keeps on giving!

The initial "Ready asset" text might not seem immediately useful, and really, this is something you will more often than not just ignore.

The bonus Fight action, this is gold. It's very common that you're stuck staring at an enemy 1 location away because you're unable to tackle it in 1 turn with your loadout, the bonus action via Galvanize can fix this issue. Additionally, there is also the not unusual case of missed attacks! Redoing a missed attack when you would otherwise be out of actions, will, save, lives.

This card is a hugely costly card for a deck, but even if you dont have the funds or incentive to use this to fight, you can commit it for 2 icons like a Guts, this also allows you to play this card in the usual Guts cardslot, which can really smooth things out in terms of deckspace (I.E, dont think of Galvanize as a new event, think of it of a Guts upgrade that also has an expensive but useful clutch action.

Oh, and when you start building up XP, you can go back to that asset-ready mechanic and giggle with glee Think: Beat Cop or Agency Backup ;)

Here is a list of things you might unexhaust for fun and profit:

Agency Backup. Alice Luxley. Beat Cop. Blessed Blade. Boxing Gloves (when youre being swamped). Kerosene. Stick to the Plan. Telescopic Sight (double tap!). Well Prepared.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
For level 0 assets, it can ready Grete. Kinda hard to use, but still neat. — SGPrometheus · 821
Or Alice if you picked up several clues, which can happen trough agency, roland, evidence, scene of the crime or grete — Django · 5108
Friendly reminder that this can ready stick to the plan. — ironbrw · 17
Telescopic Sight is an event sadly — Erdjo · 325
Monster Slayer

Love it. A hands-free 2-damage attack that costs no resources!

When you're fighting with a limited-ammo weapon (Flamethrower sais hi!) or your name is Randall Cho then the ability to save a bullet and finish off a foe with a punch is very useful.

Anybody with a high fight stat can make routine good use of this thing (Mark Harrigan for example). Another clutch use is when youre playing an expensive build and want a cheap attack (Roland Banks decks routinely burn a lot of money) or if you have a conditional weapon (Machete).

You can use this to supplement a Vicious Blow as a means of accessing extra damage with unarmed attacks, or you can layer the two for a straight up 3 damage attack.

Also Yes I've realized I've confused Randall and Nathaniel, too late to stop now!

Tsuruki23 · 2557
I think you mean Nathaniel Cho. Randall Cho is the brother (who heals damage or finds you a weapon when he comes into play) — Zinjanthropus · 229
To understand correctly, this card IS the fight action, correct? This does not allow enabling the fight action of your weapon to boost damage? I was thinking it would work great with Cho if it could be chained with a weapon, but my understand of the rules says, despite being an event, it is the fight action. — GrandMasterJ · 2
You are correct, J. You can only do one kind of an action at once. If you're just looking to boost the damage on a Fight action, there's a card for that :) — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
Vicious Blow is better than this is for anyone who isn't Nathaniel. — OrionJA · 1
Or Calvin: he can't take VB, but can take MS. But for people like Mark I agree: you either take this in addition to 2x VB, or take just VB instead. — Susumu · 371