Not every Investigator with access to level 3 Seeker is going to go hard on skills, though if you were already running 6-8, there is very low opportunity cost to this, because you can add some more flexibility cards while not changing your chances of drawing them. The downside is the interaction with Practiced Makes Perfect, meaning you're more likely to whiff on your first time through the deck (which, you're Seeker probably, so its fine). But My favourite interaction is the wording on the lightning bolt. "Draw 1 attached skills". Not "add to your hand". So this card, can, for Harvey Walters, guarantee draw 1 additional card for 5 turns in the game for when you don't already trigger it from a Eureka or Perception, or your Vault of Knowledge investigate trigger. At this stage in the game post Hemlock Vale, there are certainly enough skills, especially one's that cantrip already, that Harvey can just take a toolkit of skills, taking a Guts, Perception, Manuel Dex, or maybe Plan of Action, Eureka, Deduction, Survey the Area. Amanda loves this card, but I would posit that this card is also absolutely fantastic for any Harvey build and I would prefer it to Studious for the same XP.
Edit: lol Harvey ability has to draw from a deck, so nevermind that point. But still, getting cantrips reliably in hand to trigger is almost the same result.