Now that we know the Aug 22 erratum updated the text to "One at a time, play..." And this enabled Backpack to work (you can play the found items). Does this allow fast events, specifically Well-Maintained, to be used between each played event.
Logic train:
- Geared Up uses the word Play (treated as a play action, but you'er not getting an play "action").
Rules for Effects
- Suggests 'play" would be treated as an action using the Framework event detail. Specifically 2.2.1
Rules for 2.2.1 timing
- indicate there is a player window before (and after) each action ( in our case, a played item).
Rules for fast
- Indicate I can play Well-Maintained in this player window.
Am I missing anything? Any exception overlooked?
If i'm correct, you can attach Well-Maintained to Backpack before it's discarded, discard it, triggering it to return to your hand instead, and play it again.
This would also be true with Ever Vigilant as wording is similar.