Occult Evidence

Does it work when you search your deck due to a weakness or another scenario card effect, not triggered directly by your cards or assets in play? Can't think of other examples besides Through the Gates right now, but nonetheless.

chrome · 59
Yes. Be delighted, should you ever draw "Through the Gates" as Mandy's RBW. It's search can even be canceled by "Shocking Discovery". — Susumu · 371
I find the wording confusing. I assume the way it plays is that, when you draw it, you shuffle it back into your deck immediately (so it is dead draw). If you uncover it during a search, you find a clue, then shuffle it back into your deck. Is this interpretation correct? — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
No, shuffling it back is not immediate. While it's in your hand, it can be played for 0 resources as an action to reshuffle it. If you find it during a search, you get a clue; then, you can spend an action to put it back, to find with another search. — zrayak · 86
Through the Gates

If I interpret this card correctly, it will have an interesting interaction with upcoming Dilemma cards. You draw the Dilemma and the Revelation effect of the Dilemma is triggered because they should be resolved immediately, what, I assume, is between these two sentences in the weakness wording: "Draw the top card of your deck" and "If it is not a weakness..." Thefore if you are a survivor who happened to get this weakness, dilemmas occur to be more appealing to you, as they won't be wasted by this weakness, especially if they are singletons (besides removing a posibility for you to use them from your discard).

chrome · 59
Yeah, that would work. You did specifically draw the card, which is all revelation text asks for. — Lailah · 1
Tool Belt

One issue I have with this card is, that it does not seem that great for Tool-cards, that occupy double slots.

Let's say, Kymani has a Sledgehammer in the tool belt, and a Thieves' Kit and their Grappling Hook in play. If they want to use the hammer, they can swap one of the two assets in play into the belt, but have to discard the other one. Unless, they have somehow a way to gain a third hand slot. Currently, while not all "Scarlet Keys" cards have been spoiled yet, the only option for them for a third slot would be Quickdraw Holster, which clashes with the body slot of the belt, and would be of no use for Tool-assets anyway.

An interaction, that might be good, but I don't see that many applications, where it's amazing, could be Well Prepared. Cards attached are still in play, and their icons not blanked, so this should work. I doubt, you would want to use the icons from Chainsaw or Sledgehammer on other weapons, but the passive from a Lantern might be worth it, if you ever want to flex Yorick or (more likely) Tommy. Also, sometimes a single pip can make a difference.

Susumu · 371
I look forward to try this card with Joe, who can ignore the hands lots with his Colts. — Tharzax · 1
Yes, but he can only take the level 0 Sledgehammer. — Susumu · 371
I think that if we plan to swap two-handed weapon, then it's good choice to equip only one tool or lightweight tool like Old Keyring. — elkeinkrad · 499
I know this review is before expansion but hidden pocket helps you holding those illicit tools you have. — vidinufi · 69
You can still have 3+ Tools with a two-handed Tool among them. It's just that you'll want to either keep all-but-one of them on the Tool Belt, or else swap out over the course of multiple rounds (e.g. evade enemy and attach Thieves' Kit to Belt in first round, then in second round swap Hook and Sledgehammer). Even if you expect to use 2 Tools every single round and have eveything else be specific-case-only, you should often be able to just have one out at a time, as you can plan to swap with the other one on the Belt. It's certainly more awkward and restrictive, but it hardly seems backbreaking. — anaphysik · 96
Fury That Shakes the Earth

Hello, to count the doom for spawn the enemy in pursuit (spawn after the third doom in agenda), does the doom that is in location or player cards count?, or only counts the one that is physically on top of the agenda card but not in location or player cards?


Scherzo · 3
No, it is only the doom on the agenda. Other tokens don't count for the forced effect. — Tharzax · 1
Ghastly Possession

After a long time, wonderful mystic skill is released. We could choose one of two effect, and each has good effect.

First effect helps we to place one doom on an asset card. Of course, generally this effect is not good, but it is not true for some cases. Marie Lambeau may want to place one doom to gain additional action. For the deck with Elle Rubash, this effect helps we to attach any card with skill test into the Elle to get +1 skill test. I have a note that placing a doom is resolved immediately, so that we have a chance to trigger Elle's ability during the test.

Second effect is more flexible and good. Removing a doom is situational, but when we only focus on replenishing uses, it is very common and good effect. Moreover, this effect refers to the asset's uses value. This card is almost the first released efficient charge adding card for the EotE spell series, such as Brand of Cthugha or Blur. Moreover, there is no restriction of charge or your test. It means that you may commit this card to your friend's (or you?) M1918 BAR to add 4 ammo or Flamethrower to add 2 ammo.

Additional notes:

  • Ghastly Possession is spell card, so that it is searched by Arcane Initiate.
  • We can trigger empty Brand of Cthugha or Divination and commit Ghastly Possession, and replenish charges before spending charges to resolve Cthugha/Divination effect; not for Blur since it requests charges when triggering.
elkeinkrad · 499
card is also really good with Abyssal Tome, setting up some nice damage burst. — Piecommander6 · 15