Eldritch Inspiration

They fixed the wording from Eldritch Inspiration, adding the "when," "if," or "after," and it now triggers regardless of the token, making it work with the "good stuff token" cards in Jacqueline's deck. That seems worth the 1 XP.

In the spirit of the 0-cost review:

New cards it mitigates:
Azure Flame, Azure Flame (3), and Azure Flame (5) --prevent 1-2 damage
Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance (3), and Clairvoyance (5) -- prevent 1-2 horror
Ineffable Truth, Ineffable Truth (3), and Ineffable Truth (5) -- prevent 1-2 resource loss
The Chthonian Stone (2) -- prevent the loss of a charge

New cards it enhances:
Eldritch Inspiration (1) -- it would triple one of the other cards
Eye of Chaos -- get 2 extra clues or 2 charges
Hypnotic Gaze (2) -- double the enemy's damage or horror as damage to itself
Recharge (4) -- get 2 charges rather than 1
Sixth Sense -- you investigate at 2 locations connected to you
Sixth Sense (4) -- You investigate at your location twice and at 2 locations within 2 locations of you
Wither -- Enemy gets -2 Fight and -2 Evade for the remainder of the turn Wither (4) -- Enemy gets -2 Fight, -2 Health, and -2 Evade for the remainder of the turn

I am not entirely convinced that canceling the bad effect on Parallel Fates , Recharge (2), or Recharge (4) wouldn't get you the "otherwise" effect, since you don't do the canceled part of the text, and "otherwise" follows, but I am sure I will be schooled on this. Also, Sixth Sense (4) seems wild with this.

Sadly, it won't work on Voice of Ra.

Also works with the new Armageddon: 2 extra damage or 2 charges. — SGPrometheus · 821
Do note that the "when/if/after" wording applies to the level 0 version per errata. — Yenreb · 15
I'm not sure I follow. I get the new spell suite that scales off of "good" tokens, but other than that, it looks like the base version effected virtually every other card. Like how does this enhance Hypnotic Gaze beyond EI lvl 0? Or Recharge? Or Sixth Sense? Those are all the same, the upgrade does nothing. What am I missing? — LaRoix · 1645
That’s about it, honestly. 1 XP to hit any token draw effects. The list above are cards released since the last card review. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
To add to this, this will trigger off of the some new mystic cards that trigger when you reveal a bless or cursed token. e.g. Eye of Chaos — toastsushi · 74
Some things in this review don't seem wholly correct. Eldritch Inspiration (0) works on The Cthnonian Stone (2), Hypnotic Gaze (2), and Wither and Wither (4) just fine. If you just wanted to cancel/double the effects on those cards, then you do not need to upgrade Eldritch Inspiration (0) at all. Also, regardless of which version of Eldritch Inspiration you choose, Eldritch Inspiration doesn't let you investigate at 2 locations connected to you with Sixth Sense (0) because the choice of another location on Sixth Sense (0) is a replacement effect. — iceysnowman · 164
I just included the cards that were not covered by the previous review. Are you sure about sixth sense? If you are triggering it twice, it seems like you could choose two different locations. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
I don't see it listed here, but I think Guts (level 2) would also be enhanced. Allowing you to draw 4 cards if your test was successful. — Tanz444 · 31
No, it doesn't work with Guts. — elkeinkrad · 499
Alchemical Transmutation

People think that this card is a trap, but I am considering it to use with Akachi (5 charges for 0 resources and one action). Even if you don't have the actions to milk it, it can be converted to resources with spirit speaker or used to pay angered spirits.

DrunkenChen · 36
Use this with Dexter and Rogue skills, as it’s an on demand 0 difficulty test. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I actually love this card. I use it in a Sefina deck with Watch This and Double or Nothing to generate a heaping pile of resources. The test of 0 is extremely important for getting the absolute most out of it. — LaRoix · 1645
I've done this and it works great. I took versatile to get at double or nothing and save actions, but this is also a good option when you're going to use rite of seeking and don't want to risk ending your turn early. — deathsomething · 8
It occurs to me that as a difficulty 0 test, this can only be failed with the autofail token... no matter what difficulty you're playing on, and no matter how bad of a negative modifier you draw. Are there any combos out there that would profit from a near-unfailable on-demand test? Only thing I can think of is Daring Maneuver to (nearly) guarantee Rogue oversucceed rolls. — HanoverFist · 740

It's more or less a Resourceful but for spells. Being , it has a game attached to it. I think this is mostly a chaos bag Mystic kind of card, most likely limited to Jacqueline, but fun if you like gambling. Most Mystics will prefer to take Fearless, Guts (2), or maybe Defiance for a willpower boost.

It's important to note that you do NOT need to succeed your test to get your spell. — AlexP · 252
I think this card is less useful than at first glance. Remember that your spells do not get discarded because they run out of charges/secrets. This is a nice EVENT spell fetcher. — dlikos · 160
There are plenty of amazing spell events to get back and if you're the primary blaster you can run through charges, load the next copy and still want to get the first one back — Timlagor · 5
There are quite a few ways to 'force' this too. Scrying mirrors are probably the strongest. — Timlagor · 5
Parallel Fates

This is a flavorful card, but I'm not sure how effective it is outside of Jacqueline or another chaos bag manipulation Mystic. It's also of less use in Solo, since you can't parcel out the cards to the investigators best suited to withstand them, although knowing what the next 4 Mythos Phases are going to spit out isn't nothing (always assuming the Act or Agenda doesn't reshuffle the Encounter Deck before you get to the 4th Round).

It's most similar to First Watch, with -1 cost, requires an action, has a "bad stuff token" test, and always looks at 4 cards. In 4-player, First Watch is much better, in 2-player, Parallel Fates lets you pick between investigators for 2 turns, so it probably edges the card out.

Gloria Goldberg might like this, since it synergies with her ability, although she'll need chaos bag support to make it really work. All in all, this might have a few too many moving pieces to be a mainstay, and I'd be happier if it was Fast or didn't have the token pull, but maybe future cards will make it more reliable.

I agree this card really needs fast to make it viable and fun. It still wouldn't be particularly powerful. — housh · 171
Don't forget that it is worthwhile even if the agenda advances and reshuffles. If you see a card you don't have an answer for, push it to the bottom and let the agenda reshuffle it. It's a bit jank, but I've done it with Scrying and it can be helpful to avoid certain treacheries you just don't have the patience for. — LaRoix · 1645
Look at top 4. Works with Mandy? — petercheungjr · 1
It doesn't say "search", so my understanding is that you cannot use Mandy's ability with this card. — snacc · 1008
Ineffable Truth

Pretty much everything that one can say for the Level-0 Version, but more so. How does it stack up to Mists of R'lyeh (4)?

  • Costs 1 more XP
  • Costs 1 more resource
  • Has 2 fewer charges
  • Doesn't give you a free move
  • Does 2 points of damage
  • Might cost an extra 2 resources if you draw an , +1, or 0

This is looking like a less attractive upgrade, especially since a bad draw with Mists (4) still only costs you 1 card. Alternatively, if you compare it to Ineffable Truth (3), you are getting a +1 and +1 damage for a cost of 2 XP and the risk of an extra resource lost on an unfortunate token pull. I suspect it will take a very specific deck to want to upgrade beyond the 3-level version of the card. I guess Meat Cleaver Agnes can use this to do 8 damage to an enemy in 1 turn, leaving it exhausted at the end, but Agnes has a lot of ways to hand out hurt.

It also doesn't compare all that well to the higher-level versions of Mists, although you probably want to look at Ruduen's comments on the "good token" vs "bad token" suite in the Azure Flame review.

Obviously, 2x Arcane Research mitigates some of the extra XP issues, but you could still be spending that XP on cards that provide a bit more punch for the cost.

TL;DR? Level-0 is fine, but, if you are going to upgrade, you might want to stop at the 3 XP version.

Sure, it has an increased penalty while Mists4 doesn’t, but Mists4 also doesn’t have an increased upside. If you are JUST taking these for the evade effect, Mists was always a more efficient option, but 1) unlike the 0 or 3, this 5 deals 2 damage, and 2) it is easy to mitigate the penalty by just having 1 or 0 resources. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
True, but how often is “Evade and do 2 damage” something you want to do? Hitting for 1 Damage is a nice setup for getting rid of a 3-health enemy, but 2 is awkwardly extravagant. It would be useful for taking down a 5- or 7-health Elite, but surely you would want more attack power in that case. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
we generally play with a limited card pool, which is tied to the campaign we're running (e.g. TCU = New Core set, Solo Investigator Packs, and TCU/RTCU) and aside from being a way more fun and thematic way to run the game for us (way less overpowering and going back to the same cards), it means we need to try new things. This card in TCU isn't bad, my Mystic is using it to evade the Watcher and eventually off it, as well as dealing with other Hunters in a decent way. — Krysmopompas · 360