This card is weird. So incredibly weird that I don't have a good analysis ready at all for this, it's more prospective. Fast and 2 cost makes it a good Dexter Drake candidate just for feeding his ability, but when exactly does he care about dodging attacks of opportunity? Typically you avoid AoOs by fighting or evading, so I'm not sure what Dex would want to do instead of those. Maybe if you're caught without a fight/evade spell and need to play one? What I will say is that this card seems really nice for Trish Scarborough, who can investigate to evade any one enemy where she is, which would normally cause an AoO if that enemy is ready and engaged with her there. I can see this being a staple in Trish decks, especially solo.
Anyway, I'm glad this card exists. I'm not sure how many builds actually care about dodging AoOs, but for the ones that do, this and Narrow Escape seem like great picks.