Having played Tony recently, I wanted to give this a review. Overall, I think this is a fairly excellent signature asset for three reasons:
(A) The icons for committing here are great, and you get two copies in your deck. Killing and some occasional clue-finding are exactly what Tony should be doing, so even if you don’t use these as weapons you’re always happy to see them. They naturally make Tony more flexy, making it easier to lean into that with his off-class access.
(B) It makes Bounty Contracts go a bit further, in essence fully refunding itself if you use a bounty on each enemy and ensuring Tony keeps getting his extra actions. Even if you don’t want to be using these long term in a scenario, having it in play early keeps your momentum up by increasing the total number of bounties you have access to.
(C) Rogues will often have good card draw with Lucky Cigarette Case and similar, which actually makes it easier to get two copies in your hand than you'd think for the effect. I’ve found there are plenty of times where it’s worth taking an Attack of Opportunity so you can play what amounts to a +3 combat +1 damage weapon with 6 ammo (assuming 3 bounties on the Elite you want to murder). Depending on how you build Tony, you can potentially make use of all 6 of these shots in one turn even after playing the pair. With Hemlock Vale investigator pack you can use Hold Up or False Surrender to play these without an AoO too (and either could go on Bewitching, if you were so inclined).
In terms of consistency, you’re much more likely to want Switchblade •• for most of a scenario on Tony – but for that raw burst of power at high test values then if you locate two copies this is perhaps the best signature combat asset going. It’s a bit tricky to get both and make it pay-off, but when it does it’s awesome and the flavor of the Long Colts on a bounty hunter is first rate. I recommend!