
It doesn't seem so, but there is quite some stuff to write about this card!

This card is going to be a staple in "clue-dropping" decks. It is the only card that can drop more than 3 clues at once, the others being limited to 1 and 3 for Captivating Discovery. Compared to Captivating Discovery, it doesn't cost you any resources, is fast if you have a test on a treachery card or had to spend an action investigating/evading, and it helps you pass a test at the same time.

Why drop so many clues?

  • Because if you have 2 Research Notes on the table, you net 1 Evidence per clue dropped, get an additional action to get them back with Press Pass, and you can collect them all in one go if you succeed highly enough on the Research Notes test.
  • It may also be interesting to drop some clues at a random location to collect some Evidence that you then spend on a location with Victory Points to clean it off easily. This is particularly good for locations that have a very high shroud or punish you for investigating there.
  • Sometimes, there are simply too many clues on the board, and it is more important to evade a boss than to hold on to some clues.

Why would you want to cancel a chaos token?

  • You are testing 0 or 1 skill point above the test. This card helps you to pick the token that will make you succeed.
  • You want to succeed by X and are looking for a particular token
  • You are dodging certain tokens, like with the symbol tokens for the Mystic Spells such as Azure Flame (5)
  • You are fishing for the symbol tokens for Sixth Sense/Wither. Especially good in Nkosi Mabati - Jim
  • Finally, this is potentially amazing in Blurse decks! Drop clues until you trigger your Ancient Covenant and automatically succeed.

So, who will want that?

  • I would start by saying every Deck that is planning on using the Dropping Clue.
  • Daisy and Luke for dodging symbols while using Rite of Seeking on their first action.
  • Anyone playing a deck, but with a preference for Luke that can play Eye of Chaos and drop 2 clues to pick as many as possible to get clues at connecting locations, and find the 2 dropped clues back. Make sure to take the tabooed Ritual Candles to ignore all these modifiers.
  • Jim to pick up more :ChaosSkull: when really needed.
  • Shotgun Roland drops a clue on an empty location to reroll a token and get another chance while getting the clue back at the end if he kills the enemy.
  • Grief Carson drops his clues to pick the -8 for his teammates. How would he get clues, you ask? Stirring Up Trouble obviously.

On top of all that, this card is Practiced and commits for a , so this is a perfect target for Practice Makes Perfect.

Valentin1331 · 70090
I think, you will more likely see Roland Banks evading a Whippoorwill comitting this card, than Daisy using "Rite of Seeking", let alone as her first action. He might actually be interested in this card, not only to rerole on a Shotgun action, but also to make a location eligible for "Cover Up". — Susumu · 366
I'm not the most solid on my rules-interpretation, but I've been considering using this in combination with In the Know (or other 'as if you were at that location' cards) to shunt clues around in Research Notes decks. Mostly an action efficiency thing, but saving move actions can be a big deal in some cases. — Burlap · 1
What's your interpretation about how the card's ability works when committing it to another player? "After revealing a chaos token for this skill test" has no subject of its own, which means that the "you" in the following sentence (meaning the player playing the card) is the subject of the first sentence as well. Meaning the player of the card should also be the one revealing the chaos token for the ability to take effect. It seems that while you can commit the skill to another player for the one icon bonus, you can't drop clues to allow that player to reroll. Am I missing something? — Krozam · 1
Friends in Low Places

At level 0

This card is a nice generic tutor for anyone who can take Rogue cards. Now you can tutor events or skills (or some assets) way easier (the Backpack (0) and Calling in Favors already covered most assets).

  • Compared to the Backpack, if you hit 3 targets, it cost you 1 more resource. And if you're unlucky, it costs you less/nothing so it's kind of similar.
  • Compared to Calling in favor, it goes 3 less cards-deep but could potentially target 2 more cards for 2 more resources. Again, overall pretty fair.

So yeah, this card is pretty nice at level 0 if you have a plan in mind with your Traits !

Which Trait(s) to choose ?

And more genereally any Traits that appear on your Deckbuilding Options or in your ability (Item for Bob Jenkins and Dexter Drake, etc.) OR, and more importantly, on the other investigators at your table (Charm for Amina Zidane, Relic for Ursula Downs, Tactic for Mark Harrigan, Tome for Daisy Walker, Bless for Mary, etc.). There is no limit if you coordonate your decks !

What upgrade(s) to take ?

1 □ Helpful. When you play Friends in Low Places, you may choose another investigator at your location to resolve its effects.

  • Generally hard to use but if you synchronize your deck with your teammates this could be very good ! Give a weapon to your Guardian, a Book to Daisy, and so on. The possibilities are almost infinite. Otherwise not that good because your teammate needs a specific Trait 'ideally in common with your deck) and resources to add the cards to their hands.

2 □□ Versatile. Choose another Trait: ____. When you play Friends in Low Places, you may choose one of the looked-at cards with both chosen Traits to add to your hand without spending 1 resource._

  • Pretty good if you have a very focused deck. You could go with Illicit+Weapon (for most Rogue guns), Favor+Service (for the Intel Report suite), Spell+Cursed (for the Armageddon suite). You may not hit every time but when you hit it's good !

  • Alternatively you could go with associations like Item+Weapon to have a broad list of possible targets and an occasionnal cost reduction. This is safer, probably the best option.

  • Finally, the last option is to go for totally different Traits like Item+Ally. You will never have that nice cost reduction but you will hit a lot of targets. This is a good option if you can pay for it !

3 □□ Bolstering. Each card added to your hand by Friends in Low Places gains a icon until the end of the phase.

  • Very situational but good for a Winifred deck built with skills that share a specific Trait or two. A skill for her is half a card so every resource you invest is better invested. But if you hit too many targets with Friends in Low Places+Bolstering, you will lose the icon. It might be better if you have a lot of action (or play at high player count) so you can have enough skill test to commit your skills to.

4 □□ Clever. Instead of shuffling the remaining cards into your deck, you may place each of them on the top of your deck, in any order.

  • THIS is the best option in my opinion ! You could chose a Trait not even existing in your deck, this would still be good ! For 1 action and 0 resource you can now rearrange however you want your next (up to) 6 draws and/or locate a weakness and prepare for it. Very useful if you draw a lot, a bit less otherwise obviously.

  • Be mindful though, there is a big anti-synergy with cards like [Lucky Cigarette Case (3) (not the level 0).

5 □□ Prompt. Friends in Low Places gains fast and "play during any window".

  • 2xp FOR -1 Action on 2 cards is very good. It will ease your setup if you had a bad mulligan, give you more actions to use your new cards or maybe take a resource before playing this card to make sure a target is not wasted because you're poor !
  • It is even better after you bought other upgrades for this card. You could play it before another investigator takes it's turn if you combine it with 1. Helpful or you can play a weapon or soak while engaged with 7. Swift.

6 □□□ Experienced. Increase the number of cards looked at by 3.

  • Another VERY GOOD upgrade. You get much more value by looking at 9 cards (generally a third of your deck at turn 1).
  • Combine it with every other upgrades for more efficiency. 4. Clever is even better now that you can rearrange a third of your deck (more later in the game) !

7 □□□ Swift. You may play one of the cards added to your hand (paying its cost).

  • This one is reserved to really rich people or low cost decks that don't rely on Skills. Preston and Bob are perfect because they're rich, have access to Survivor's cheap cards and need a lot of assets !
  • If you can manage to pay for your cards with a +1 cost though, this is bonkers ! You get back the action you used to play Friends in Low Places so this event almost gains Fast.

Upgrade combinations

  • "I'm a philanthropist rogue !" : 1. Helpful + 2. Versatile + 7. Swift (+ 5. Prompt) => 6/9xp Help your fighter to find and play their only copy of Flamethrower at the right time !

  • "Sort them all !" : 4. Clever + 6. Experienced => 5xp Rearrange from up to 9 cards of your deck everytime you play this card and avoid your weaknesses for days. It costs 5xp so, sadly, it becomes a level 3 card and splash-Rogues can't take it...

  • "I'm a skilled person !" : 2. Versatile + 3. Bolstering (+ 5. Prompt) => 4/6xp Choose two mutually exclusive Traits on Skill cards (like Practiced and Innate), add a lot of them to your deck, play first this round and then draw 2-4 skills with +1 to commit this phase !

Final thoughts

It's good, not broken or anything but good like every other Customizable card. I'd say Preston (with Favor / Service Traits), Finn (with Illicit / Weapon Traits) and Winifred (with any two Practiced / Innate / Developed Traits) are the best users of this cards. But everyone could make good use of it and adapt it to its deck/group.

Bonus idea : Combine it with the tri-color Talents from EoTE like Antiquary to pay for all the cards you will get (and pay 1 resource each) thanks to Friends in Low Places !

captainfire · 245
"Sort them all !" : 4. Clever + 6. Experienced ==> 5 XP. Is not available to Splash-Rogues, since the card level is 3. Upgradable Card effective levels are XP/2 (round up). — Daerthalus · 16
Oops you're right ! I messed up and that's very sad for splash-Rogues :p — captainfire · 245
As far as I understand, you can also use it to fish for your weakness if you know it? — Aethusium · 1
I think "item" is a very good trait to choose if you are a asset-heavy rouge, like Finn, Jones, Bob, etc. — Rainysugar · 112
Another interesting, if somewhat niche "trait" choice : Condition. — DrOGM · 25
(continuing previous comment) "Condition" can find exactly two cards at the moment : Dark Horse and Well Connected. Any deck that is built around one of these cards will benefit tutoring them. — DrOGM · 25
Not sure if it — koaexe · 29
(The enter key is really trigger-happy these days) Not sure if it's better than Calling in Favors, but I ran this as an Ally + Item (with Versatile) tutor in Leo Anderson and it worked pretty well as to compliment Prepared for the Worst. Later getting Prompt also allows him to play it before his turn just in time for his beginning-of-turn reaction. — koaexe · 29
"Sort them all" is great on Sefina. With Prevoyance she can now play assets or remove Star of Hyades almost every time. Played this upgrade (+Prompt, and then helpfull because who anyone want to sort his deck... with double, double it's not even a problem for you) and i think a saw Star of Hades only twice after the second scenrio of the campaign. — Emmental · 129
"Shut Up And Take My Money": Versatile + Prompt + Experienced + Swift. For when Preston, Jenny, or Bob want to blow their cash fast. — HanoverFist · 720
Custom Modifications

Time for another round of, "Which Cards Work with This!" This list is up to date based on the most recent update to ArkhamDB (as of 10/11/22).

For Counterbalance, you want to look at Upgrade cards that can be attached to appropriate firearms. That list currently consists of:

Running Counterbalance seems like it's going to need a good amount of both XP and Resources. Jury-Rig is the only 0-XP or 0-Cost option, and if you're running Well-Maintained, you're probably planning on playing all of your upgrades again, which is only going to multiply the cost.

For Event cards that either place or spend Ammo, the list consists of:

The good news is that these are all Supply and Tactic effects, so Stick to the Plan will work with all of them. The bad news is that these are all events that rely on already having a gun out, so they may not be what you need at any given moment. And if you're already throwing cards (and even potentially XP) on reloads, 3 XP for a couple more bullets might be overkill.

How playable are all of these? Honestly, I have no idea. I suspect the build needs enough moving pieces that it's rather unwieldy right now. Still, it will be interesting to see if an investigator can pull all of the components together.

Ruduen · 986
Agent Fletcher

Maybe I'm missing something, but this weakness has to be one of the EASIEST weaknesses to deal with in the game. 1hp? for a rogue? There are dozens of ways to deal with this card for one action if your solo some where you can ding this with a fast action. If you have a fighter, this card may as well read: Revelation - skip this draw.

I know there were rumblings a while ago about power creep, but this card COUPLED with her VERY strong signature card seems like there is some weight behind that claim.

Please comment on this if I'm missing something that makes this weakness not a joke, because I really want to like this investigator but it seems like they are overtuned.

EDIT: Reverse taboo? While Kymani Jones is evading Agent Fletcher, reduce their agility value to 0. Atleast this way she cant instantly discard the Agent with a base +2 to the test.

, · 564
Maybe I'm missing something from your review, but this dude has 3 hitpoints? Even, if you are dealing with him with Kymani's ability (which I wouldn't atempt to do), it would be 2 evade actions, one 5 vs. 3, then 5 vs. 6. — Susumu · 366
Agent Fletcher should probably be compared to Daniela Reyes' Mob Goons (Hunter, 3/3/1 damage always direct, cannot be cancelled), Nathaniel Cho's Tommy Malloy (Hunter, 2/3/3, all damage done to Tommy reduced to 1), Trish' Shadow Agents (Hunter, 3/3/5, discard if evaded) and Rita Young's Hoods (Alert, hunter, 3/3/3, attack if evaded). Norman Wither's novella weakness the Vengeful Hound too (2/2/3, if enaged cannot draw/reveal cards via player card effects). All of these share the same theme: medium sized emies who are Preying on their investigator while somehow weakening them. None of these enemies are really that bad. The Alert 3/3/3 Fletcher is about mid-pack I'd say - reduing Kymanis' intellect to 0 often translates to -2 to their evade/evade kill test - and making a few events (such as Breaking and Entering) less useful. Fletcher has Alert, mind you, so the Kymanis might want to over-commit a bit to avoid damage and wasted actions. The easiest way to deal with Fletcher, however, is to ask your local monster killer to bash his head in with an over-sized hammer. Works like a charm. — olahren · 3431
Breaking and entering is not affected by agent fletcher ability because it's an investigation action and not an evade action. The automatic evade is just an additional effect — Tharzax · 1
This is definitely a weak weakness, however in this case I'm not too troubled since Kymani's signature asset is similarly pretty lackluster. There's any number of tools I would rather have in Kymani's hands than the Grappling Hook, relegating it to a commit 9 times out of 10. So an enemy you can KO with 2 evades that you start at a +2 advantage, but who bites back if you miss either, seems a fair enough hit to tempo. As a rather novel and niche side-note, due to the "Coterie" trait, Fletcher is also targetable by a specific power-up treachery in The Scarlet Keys campaign, which can make him a tad more of a concern. — HanoverFist · 720
Binder's Jar

This card seems really good, the only drawback is that it takes the coveted mystic accessory slot.

First up: It's dead cheap. Cost 2 is very reasonable for the resource starved class and for the effects it's a bargain. 2xp for 2 copies helps as well, even if it's Unique. Since it's level 1 you can even take it in off-class Mystics, which might be very interesting in something like a Guardian who isn't using the accessory slot as much and will have no problem defeating enemies.

The first effect is why you are buying this card, getting rid of Acolytes, Wizards of the Order and the like out of the discard pile for the scenario and getting yourself more Arcane slots for the privilege is great. Is it worth using over Holy Rosary or St. Hubert's Key? Hard to say, I'm keen to play around with this one though.

fiatluxia · 65